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Messages - OfericSchim

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Software Dev / Re: mount smb folder from python API
« on: November 01, 2023, 07:43:41 AM »
Make sure you have the required libraries installed in your Python environment. You can use the smbprotocol library to interact with SMB shares. You can install it using pip:
pip install smbprotocol

In your Python script, import the necessary modules from the smbprotocol library:
from smbprotocol.connection import Connection
from smbprotocol.session import Session
from smbprotocol.tree import Tree

Create a function to set up the SMB connection using the provided IP address, folder, username, and password:
def setup_smb_connection(ip_address, folder, username, password):
connection = Connection()
session = Session()
session.connect(connection, ip_address, username, password)
tree = Tree()
tree.connect(session, folder)
return connection, tree

Once you have established the SMB connection, you can use it to save data to the SMB share. For example:
def save_data_to_smb(tree, data):
with tree.open_file("filename.txt", "w") as file:

Call the setup_smb_connection function to establish the SMB connection and then use the save_data_to_smb function to save your data to the SMB share.

Here's an example of how you might use these functions:
ip_address = "your_smb_server_ip"
folder = "your_smb_share"
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

connection, tree = setup_smb_connection(ip_address, folder, username, password)
data_to_save = "Hello, SMB World!"
save_data_to_smb(tree, data_to_save)
Close the connection when done


Additionally, if you're looking for the 'b2b API meaning,' it typically refers to Business-to-Business Application Programming Interface (B2B API), which allows different businesses or organizations to interact and exchange data through API calls, enabling seamless integration and communication between their systems.

Software Dev / Re: Chronos API Documentation
« on: October 16, 2023, 02:14:37 AM »
If setting disableRingBuffer to true does not prevent overwriting when the buffer is full and stop recording automatically, it could be a bug in the firmware or API after CRM enrichment. This is a situation where you would typically need to report the issue to the manufacturer or the community responsible for the Chronos camera software. They may be able to provide a fix or suggest a workaround.

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