Author Topic: First update - need help.  (Read 8275 times)


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First update - need help.
« on: March 17, 2022, 10:53:42 PM »

I have Chronos 1.4 camera for a long time - I made my order when it was still kickstarter project so I have probably the oldest possible software. Do I need to make some "extra steps" while updating to newest version since my software is so old? Or I just go with normal procedure like it is any other update? Also, from the newest updates which version of the software is the "stable" one?


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Re: First update - need help.
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2022, 11:45:56 PM »
In the "About" Tab you can see which Version exactly you are running. Would need to look it up, as i believe there have been very early versions which would need to have you update Manually, But Most versions should have a Button somewhere to check for Updates and should automatically be able to figure out the latest most recent version and Install that.
 However, even if you could do that, i personally would still recommend to just download the most Recent Stable Software Version from (which in this Case at the current time is 0.7.2), and get some New Micro-SD-Card to flash the New Software onto. Keep the Other one with the old Software around In case something goes wrong or doesnt work with the New Version (or as a known working Point to Fall back onto at least, if for example the other SD Card breaks or something unexpected, very rare, but SD Cards can fail sometimes), or goes Wrong while you would try to update. You might even discover something about the new version some time later down the line, which you dont like or not used to for some reason, so in my opinion it would make a lot of sense to have the Option to go back, as its really not much more work, and Micro SD-Cards are really fairly cheap. Thats at least how i do it, and can recommend anyone to also do that, especially with such a extreme Gap between the Versions.
 Whatever you end up doing, make sure to Properly backup Factory Calibration Data and Settings, as i think you would at least very much need them, if you had to re-install the Version you are currently running, in case you had to go back to that for some Reason. On newer versions i think you wouldnt need them, but i would still want to keep them, as a bunch of older versions absolutely need them, in case you ever want to run one of those ever again. Also take note of the Exact version of Software you are Running, and make sure, that is still available to download (for example, there has been a version of Software, which would allow the 1.4 to run 200kfps or something like that, and none after that did allow you to do that. I can see, why you would want to keep that around somewhere, because all versions after cant do that out of the Box. Someone from Krontech somewhat recently posted some Steps you need to do, to Modify existing current Software Releases to also be able to do that, but i personally dont know if i would be able to follow them to get that to work. This Version is not available anymore, so in that case, if i was you, i would for sure want to keep that old SD Card and just not Touch the Software on there, and just Flash a New one with the Current Version. Then you could go back whenever you want, or need the 200Kfps for example, and just run the New Software with probably much Improved Color and a bunch of other added Features all the other time.).


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Re: First update - need help.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2022, 09:28:48 AM »
Finally I bought new micro SD Cart and flashed update on it by using something called "balenaetcher" and everything seems to work fine so really thank You for advice :)

By the way - if I have old card with old update on it, is there still a reason for doing Backup?


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Re: First update - need help.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2022, 12:15:02 PM »
You would need to double check with the Release-Notes for each Release, but i think there isnt really much Reason to still do Backup of Camera Data (Sensor Calibration Data that is), but i personally Still keep them Around, no matter what. Better have them and dont need those Files than the Other way around i figure, but for current and Future Releases, i dont expect you will ever find yourself Needing them. Bit different for The Camera Settings Backup, as those are basically custom Settings you do to your Camera. I personally usually always put the UI on the Left and a bunch of other things, you would else need to do that by Hand for each and Every Setting (i actually dont do Settings Backup when i Flash a New Card with a newly released Firmware, and just do the Handful of Custom Settings i use on my Camera on my own, because i am Honestly just to lazy, and it seems about the Same Amount of work or even Less (there isnt THAT crazy much you could possibly customize on that Camera), just doing the Settings themselves on the Camera instead of backing up those Settings and Copying them over.).
 So in Summary, for the Sensor Calibration Data, you very likely wont need that in the Future, and Settings are just however you Customized your Camera.
 Its still very nice to have the Settings Backup Option, if you for example had a bunch of weird Custom Settings on there, and tried to set something up like the Chronos Ring they did, where you tried to apply the Exact same Custom Settings to something like 20+ Cameras, that could save you a bunch of time, and would also make sure you didnt miss setting something on a Single one. For Home use with a Single Camera and some Firmware Upgrade every now and Then, there is not much of a Point using that i feel (at least not worth the Work for me personally, if you like it doing that way, well its there, you can).
 But glad to hear your Update went well!