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Topics - Thorin

Pages: [1]

I am recording with two Chronos 2.1 32GB cameras (firmware 0.7.2) simultaneously in normal mode via an external trigger (end trigger, debounce true, invert false, 20 mA pull-up) with 1000 fps at a resolution of 1920x180 with max shutter (993.3 µs). Recording works fine, however, when the recorded sequence is saved as tiff files (or raw tiff), the first frame saved (frame_000001.tiff) is actually frame 3. The missing frames 1 and 2 are added to the end of the sequence. This is always the case and happens on both cameras.

When the recorded sequence is saved as mp4 the behaviour is usually the same but sometimes there are spurious frames inserted randomly into the saved sequence (e.g. a copy of frame 580 is inserted between frame 589 and 590) and the missing frames from the beginning are either added to the end or several frames are missing from the end as well. this behaviour seems to be rahter random and is not the same on both cameras, so that the resulting mp4s can have different lengths and/or different sequence of frames.

Additionally, the first frame in the saved files is sometimes corrupted (I would have attached file, but when trying to upload an attachement, an error occurs...), although, an uncorrupted version of it can be included at the end of the sequence.

All this happens whether the data is saved on an SSD attached directly to the cameras or on an network SMB drive. Saving through the web API (on Windows 11) or directly via the camera interface does not change the behaviour, either.

Similar behaviour has been reported here:

and here:

Any ideas how to fix this? As I am recording animal behaviour with synchronised sound recordings, it is quite crucial that the recorded frames are in the correct order and have the same lengths and checking the resulting files for spuriously inserted frames and fixing the order of frames can become rather tedious.

Thanks a lot for any suggestions!

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