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Messages - Nikon1

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A lot of it comes Down to Preference and the Actual Situation.
 I Personally like Black / very Dark Backgrounds more, cause they usually Tend to look cleaner, and Overexposing can be quite Problematic with the Chronos (which can be Tricky to balance with Very Bright Backgrounds).
 Then also Depends a lot on the Lights that are available to you, and how they are set up. Given you set it up like that, you can make a White Background look Dark or a Dark Background Look very Bright.
 In the Most Cases, you just want Clear Separation between Background and the Subject you are Shooting. So given enough Light Available, you would typically tend to Light that Subject Bright enough, so its nicely end Evenly Lit (except you are Going for a more Stylistic Look, or have other Limitations).
 The Background is then Kept Darker than that or Completely Blacked out, so you clearly see the Subject and nothing else.
 Especially for Small (metallic) Particles, they could Catch some Reflection or be roughly the Same Brightness as a Light Colored Background, but its Generally very hard to NOT SEE THEM on a Completely Black Background, as they will usually always catch some Amount of Light.
 Now that is of Course different if You are Shooting Black Plastics with a Black Projectile, in that Case a Light Background would in my Opinion be a much Better Choice, but that can be a bit harder to get the Lighting right on.

Yeah, in that Case, its probably just way too little Light.
 That Lamp you Linked has 22Watt of Power, which is close to nothing for Trying to Light a highspeed Shot of the Full Flight Path of a Projectile.
 you need ideally at least 10 to 100 times More Light than that Lamp Provides for a High Quality Shot (not kidding, 200 to 2000 Watt of LED Lights! ).
 Your best bet is Likely to either Get your Test Setup to Somewhere on the Outside where it can Safely be done and you can get Direct Sunlight, or somehow use a Window and use a Big as Possible Reflector or Mirror to Redirect the Sunlight inside.
 If both of those are not Possible, you most Likely need to Seriously Upgrade your Light to Shoot Highspeed Footage of Projectiles.
 Something like 200W LED output Power would be the Absolute Minimum i would Recommend, if its your Only Light Source (Normal Room Lights are usually hardly noticeable for stuff like this, because they are so dim), better if you can Get your Hands on More than that.
 If your Background is somewhat Similar to your Projectile in Brightness and / or color, try using your Light as a Backlight / Rimlight so you at least get a Clear outline, even if the Majority of the Frame is Very dark.

what Aperture Setting did you use on the Lens?
 Regards the Light, can you at least provide any Further Info on it? Like Type of Light? is it a big Tungsten Light for Filmmaking, LED, HMI, ect. / size or rough Power of the Fixture?
 And yes, High Framerates will generally Crop your Frame to a much smaller Area, and for very High Settings its usually going to be a very Shallow, Wide Frame.

Hi, Can you provide any Further Detail on the Light Source you are using, also on what Lens you are using (Especially Lens Settings)?
 Regards Resolution, there is not much to be done about that, if you want / need more Frames Per Second to capture Faster Events, you Resolution gets lower, that is just how Highspeed-Cameras generally work.

Which Settings are you experiencing the Bug at, and what Version of Firmware are you currently using on the Camera?

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Post Chronos 2.1 clips here!
« on: March 25, 2023, 05:15:03 PM »
Today did some fooling around with a few of the Germans on the Forum, and Ended Up Putting those Lifesaver - Candies on a Lathe.
 The ones that Visibly Produce Light when hit hard enough.
 On a Lathe These do Produce a fairly (in Comparison) bright and Continuous Light where they are Cut.
 Plenty More other Videos to come, but here is the First one of the Lifesavers on a Lathe:
 Shot on The 2.1 @ 300fps and Wide Open Shutter f/0.9 and some Decent bit of Gain, so please dont Mind The noise in the Image.
 Can Very much Recommend everyone to try this, can easily and nicely be observed by Eye, just makes a MASSIVE Mess on the Lathe.

Are you aware / have you read that discussion over there?:
 Would something like that Solution we talked about there work? Meaning Capturing a lot of very short Clips all the Time instead of a very long continous one...?

We're already capturing the low fps output via the web interface for long term monitoring, and it works pretty well. The most interesting property of our object though is a resonance frequency of several 100s Hz, so a 60 fps signal won't capture that.

 Well, ok, thats Fair then...

While you can set the Color Matrix to VERY low Saturation if you just put in something like:
 0,1   0     0
 0     0,1   0
 0     0     0,1
 , it will still Contain Color Information, even if very desaturated.
 If it would be Possible to save Monochrome Files from a Color Camera, that would have probably need to be done on Firmware Level, tricking the Camera into thinking it has A Monochrome Sensor instead of Color.
 Try to Contact Krontech Regards that, best to get into Contact with them about Stuff like that is usually to just Call them from my Experience.
 Best way to Reduce Filesize for H.264 is in my opinion to reduce the Bit per Pixel Setting. Lowest possible setting is 0.50 Bits Per Pixel, and Should Cut The Size of the Resulting File more than in Half. How much that however affects the Time Needed to save / Transfer the File via The Network on the Camera, I dont know if the Encoder itself is the Bottleneck here, or the Network Speed; you would need to have to test that for your self.
 Regards Reducing The Time for your whole Workflow, i dont know if i quite understand what you are doing / Trying to do with the Camera, but would it be an Option to Capture the HDMI Output of the Camera, to use for Long-Term Analysis, and just Actually Save the Highspeed whenever something Important Happens? Could speed up things way more than any Improvements in Save Speed just from Settings or Changing Media you save to...?

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Fitting the Micro Four Thirds Mount
« on: March 14, 2023, 08:38:04 AM »
Make sure the Camera Front Surface is Clean when Mounting, also make sure to Remove the Stainless CS-Mount Ring together with The Screw and Clamping Rod when using anything like the Focal Reducer.
 Then proceed to Figure out the Correct Shims to put under it.
 Tighten The Screws firmly, but dont over torque the Screws, as that can damage and Distort the Camera Body or the Threads inside the Camera.
 Proper Torque for Fastening these Screws is about 1,4Nm if you happen to have a small Torque Driver.
 Other than that, there is not much to it really, but if you want, i can shoot a Quick "How-To" Video and post that, so you can follow that in Detail.

well, it can go down to 640px Horizontal, but that will not Increase the Maximum Framerate. It will however allow you to increase the Record time, as the File-Size per Frame is smaller because less pixels, so it can fit more Frames in the Memory.
 So it can still be useful, if you try to Record some Long Event or Process, and need the High Framerate.
 And, yes Sensors that can do that and even way higher performance ones are Available, but every bit better these get, they get MUCH more Expensive.
 Also, the LUX2100 can do Plenty more than what the Chronos 2.1 Specs are, but the Electronics inside the Camera Limit what they can Pull from the Sensor.
 Same as with the Sensor, that Electronic for Readout of the Data also gets very Expensive fast when it gets really high end.
 In the 2.1 the Readout Electronics can keep up well enough with the Sensor for the Most part on the High Resolutions, but for the Really Fast Framerates that Sensor could handle in Theory, the Camera just cant read it fast enough from the Sensor, so it tops out.
 The LUX2100 could apparently do 125,000 FPS @ 1920 x 8 (Full Sensor Width, 8px High), just the Problem is, Rest of the Camera is not able to keep up with that.
 There has been some Thread somewhere here, where Somebody from Krontech Posted instructions on How to Mod the Firmware, so you are able to Reduce the Resolution on the 1.4 so far, that you can get 100kfps on it, As it is not officially supported, and has pretty bad image Quality and is unstable.
 Its Still not Clear, if something like this could also be Possible on the 2.1 (not quite that Extreme like on the 1.4 probably, but even 35kfps on the 2.1 would be a pretty big thing), but it seems like the 2.1 is much more Limited by the Hardware of the Camera on those high Framerates than the 1.4
 That being said, the LUX1310 the 1.4 uses is apparently able to do 1 Million "Frames" ( Lines) per Second, if used at Full Sensor width, but only 1 px High. So basically a Line-Scan Sensor.
 How Realistic or Practicaly Possible it is to Reach that is a whole other story, just like on the 2.1, as you also need to read all of that Data off the Sensor fast enough, and not all of those chips needed for Readout of the Sensor like such weird or small Resolutions.

As a Small addition to above Post of me, a little Clarification regards the 1920, 1440, 1280, 1024, 800, 640 px Wide Presets and Listed Options including those.
 These Frame Widths are just EXTREMELY Commonly used and de-facto Standard Resolutions for Television an such for ages ( see:    --- you will find all of those listed Image Widths in there, those are the most commonly used ones).
 They are just included and standard Presets (also Listed on the Website) because the Vast Majority of Users, especially those with Media Production Background would want to use these as Default; because among many other Reasons Standard Resolutions are just way nicer to work with generally than some weird non Standard ones.
 However, as explained, the Hardware on the Chip and inside the Camera does not quite match the Standard Resolutions where it performs best (Maximum Pixels per Second Recorded)

Hi also.
 The Stuff mklinger posted about his Resolution vs FPS "Research" is still as Relevant as ever, as those are Hardware Limitations of the Camera.
 So that still holds true, just as he posted it, and Future Updates cant change anything about those Bare FPS / Resolution Performance Numbers.
 That is as long as that same Camera is still built with the same Hardware inside.
 Apart from that, a 336px Wide Frame is just not Possible on the 2.1.
 The Lowest Horizontal Resolution that you can set is 640px Wide.
 And 640px wide by 240px High would allow for a Maximum Framerate of 10488,1fps on my 2.1
 To come back to what mklinger tried to say with his Post is, that you might as well just set it to 832px wide by 240px High, as that still allows for the exact same 10488,1fps Maximum Framerate.
 Lowering the Horizontal Resolution below 832px Wide does not increase the Maximum Possible Framerate.
 Now, I dont have a 1.4 to compare (if 336px Wide is even possible on there?), but am Fairly Certain, that in terms of Framerate, the 1.4 outperforms the 2.1 on the really fast FPS Settings.
 In general, the 1.4 is for when you trying to get the highest Speed, the 2.1 is for getting High Resolution Shots, from how i understand it, while there is plenty of Overlap.
 #EDIT#: Just Checked the Resolution Chart of the 1.4, and 336 / 320 px Wide Resolution is possible, which is probably why it can go so much faster than the 2.1

That Camera is currently selling for 4.5k USD, those Lenses you have do not add all that much value (maybe 70 to 200 USD in used Condition i guess).
 A Thing to consider is that the Chronos 1.4 Cameras that are currently sold have a updated Internal Screen from the version you have, which adds a bunch of value.
 Still, depending on Cosmetic Condition that Entire Kit you have there should still be worth at least something like 1.5k USD as long as the Camera is working / Properly Recording and does not have any major defects.
 If it is in Like-New-Condition and comes with original Charger and Batteries, you maybe even able to get close to what you paid.
 But it is far from Worthless fyi.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: 2 x Chronos 1.4 cameras and lighting for sale
« on: February 24, 2023, 01:23:53 AM »
@Visualtec: There is two new posts as of now in other Threads. And as almost 20% of posts on the Froum are written by me, this very much feels like some kind of ChatGPT Bot which been Trained on Wikipedia and Posts on this Forum. It Still manages to not really make sense overall however, but seems to have somewhat copied my Style of writing because of that, which i find about as strange as you with that Username thing. Seems like a Lot of Effort to get an AI to that point just to then post weird Links to Advertise some Mobile Games nobody cares about or possibly Steal Personal Information on some Random small Camera Forum? I mean if you do that on the Pentax Forum or MFLenses Forum, they have WAY more Active users, and i assume posts like this by Bots would be much harder to detect just from the Amount of Posts each day. But on here where there are generally not that frequent Posts, these stand out Way too much, so whats the Point of even Trying this here...?

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