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Wireless down/upload of footage

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--- Quote from: nik282000 on June 07, 2020, 09:11:54 AM ---I am using one of these (unavailable) but any wifi router will work. The only advantage to using a portable wifi router is having a self contained battery saves you from carrying an extra power cable.

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Thank you very much!
Would you mind telling me how exactly you set up the GIGASTONE router? On camera side you are you mapping a SMB share of a folder of the computer? If so: Is the computer directly connected to the GIGASTONE router or is there another router involved at the computers side? And would you tell me: Are you saving large files, how fast is this?

I once made the network mapping work with a cheap network splitter, connecting both the camera and the computer via Ethernet. Now I bought one of these hoping to plug that into the camera and then replace/avoid the cable to the computer, so to say. But I couldn't make it work yet. I would like to use the SMB share, so the camera automatically safes to a mapped folder of a notebook. Would you suggest it should be possible with the TP-Link?

--- Quote from: ExperimentalPerception on June 07, 2020, 02:20:31 PM ---Since we are now on a debian os.. will a usb wifi stick work in the usb slot of the camera?
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That would be a very elegant option, right. But I suppose one had to dig into scripts to map a folder with such device on the camera side, using PuttY or so, right?

The camera is connected to the router with an ethernet cable and the PC is connected by WIFI. The setup will be the same as when you use the switch.

Ok, thank you. I can't make it work with my router, however. Would you please mind telling me, how you access data on the camera? Is the camera mapping a SMB folder on the notebook?


Yes, you set up a shared folder on your laptop/PC and the camera will save files to that folder. I believe there is a thread that goes into the setup in detail.

Hello, thanks again. Finally I made it work with the 2.4Ghz TPLink adapter. If anyone else tries to go ahead with this adapter: It has to be switched to "Access Point"-Mode, not "Router", not "Client". That was my fault.

Now saving speed is like this: about 55fps with H264, so almost full speed, but CinemaDNG is just 2fps. I only needed H264, but nevertheless I will buy the 5GHz adapter and post speed results here, too.



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