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eSATA using FAT32 and DNG export AND an fps question

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Greetings, these question are for the developers:

- Is there a folder naming bug when exporting to eSATA when the drive is Fat32 formatted?

After doing some eSATA export tests yesterday, using ext3 filesystem, today I tried to redo some tests using the same drive, Fat32 formatted (it's an old WD Raptor 10k drive, 74Gbytes in size, Clustersize is set to 64 sectors == 32Kbytes).

While saving to the SD card always resulted in folders named e.g. "vid_2018-12-31_16-22-09" (and I assume the ext3 folders were named like this as well, didn't check them, but never got an error like this), with Fat32 I can save only once!
The second export always cancels with "Recording failed: File exists", the reason being the raw-file folder wasn't named with the current date/time, it's simply named "vid_2018" (reboots, replugs, etc didn't change this).

The first video is also lost in that moment, the folder only contains the first .dng-file afterwards, 0-byte sized. All .dngs from the first, successful save are gone.

My second question:

- Is it somehow possible to e.g. set 1280x720 while recording "slower", meaning less fps than the default 1500?

Or was the philosophy to skip frames in post to reduce the slow-down of motion?
Sometimes 1280x720 @ 400 fps would be nice to have "in camera", I think :)
(Maybe I just didn't find the setting?)

And all the best for 2019, see you all on the other side! :)


--- Quote from: Martin on December 31, 2018, 07:20:39 AM ---My second question:

- Is it somehow possible to e.g. set 1280x720 while recording "slower", meaning less fps than the default 1500?

Or was the philosophy to skip frames in post to reduce the slow-down of motion?
Sometimes 1280x720 @ 400 fps would be nice to have "in camera", I think :)
(Maybe I just didn't find the setting?)

And all the best for 2019, see you all on the other side! :)

--- End quote ---

You can do 60fps or even Lower in Camera and basicaly could use the Chronos as an Normal Speed-CS-Mount videocamera. If you only need 400fps, it most of the time would be better to do it "in Camera" than to skip frames in Post production.
The Advantage of Lower Fps (lower than maximum Fps for your choosen resolution /Frame Size) is, that your recording time will get longer.
The Chronos can store some limited number of frames in Internal Memory. So if you record less frames per Time, your recording time Will get Longer, bevore the chronos has filled up all of its memory and has to delete the oldest frames.

Yea, please ignore the second question in this thread, I just found out how to do it... I never used this, always used max fps per resolution, but it's nice to know that it works! :)
(you can enter any value in the fps field, just don't forget to "apply".... and maybe match exposure)

All the best

PS: Nikon, thanks, I know dropping frames in post is a terrible idea :) Just forgot to "apply"... I can almost feel the face inside my palm :D


--- Quote from: Martin on December 31, 2018, 07:20:39 AM ---Greetings, these question are for the developers:

- Is there a folder naming bug when exporting to eSATA when the drive is Fat32 formatted?

After doing some eSATA export tests yesterday, using ext3 filesystem, today I tried to redo some tests using the same drive, Fat32 formatted (it's an old WD Raptor 10k drive, 74Gbytes in size, Clustersize is set to 64 sectors == 32Kbytes).

While saving to the SD card always resulted in folders named e.g. "vid_2018-12-31_16-22-09" (and I assume the ext3 folders were named like this as well, didn't check them, but never got an error like this), with Fat32 I can save only once!
The second export always cancels with "Recording failed: File exists", the reason being the raw-file folder wasn't named with the current date/time, it's simply named "vid_2018" (reboots, replugs, etc didn't change this).

The first video is also lost in that moment, the folder only contains the first .dng-file afterwards, 0-byte sized. All .dngs from the first, successful save are gone.

--- End quote ---

What software version are you using?


latest beta, v0.3.1 beta 9.

And I adjusted the cameras clock beforehand, but can't say for sure if only the FAT32 tests were done after (but I think so).

Thanks for your help!!
All the best


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