Chronos > Chronos User Discussion

IO2 Shutter out signal while recording only, is that possible?

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Hmmmm, I am trying to understand the IOConfig results that can be achieved via the Web-Frontend. The "Combinatorial block" seems promising. I can't test it right now, but from my understanding the configuration shown in the two images seems to do exactly what I need: Providing the "Timing IO" output only when the camera is recording. At least the red and blue triangles suggest that it does that.

If only "Timing IO" really is the Frame Sync Signal...

Very exciting...

that actually seems Promising.

Hello again. Just wanted to post my findings.

It is really possible to make the camera provide the "Timing IO"-Signal only when recording: Just setup the combinatorial block as described in the images above.

However if your are connecting the camera to an Arduino, you will have to set the "Drive Strength" to "High", if your are feeding the signal into one of the analog inputs.


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