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Messages - rmohan26

Pages: [1]
Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 20, 2021, 06:54:38 PM »
I had the camera for a few months and I love it.  I am using it mainly to shoot nature in sunlight.  I have had good success enjoying it very much.  I save as DNG and process in lightroom.  In upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7 -- I noticed the following

1. Save speed increased from around 10 fps to 15-17 fps at 1000 fps HD to SSD drive
2. The color shift in 0.7 is significant.  The color correction is harder than 0.6.  I feel 0.6 color was more manageable. 
3.  The banding in 0.7 is difficult to clean.  I need to shoot at x4 gain to get the necessary shutter speed outdoors. Out of box, the noise in 0.6 is similar to 0.7.  But once I perform noise reduction in LightRoom then 0.6 is smoother than 0.7

I have to test more. 

Feel free to check out my channel --

Most of the videos are on 0.6 version. 

Thank you

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Post Chronos 2.1 clips here!
« on: August 24, 2021, 10:43:04 AM »
Hello everyone --
I have had my Chronos 2.1 for the last couple of months.  It has been great.  I did some studio shots and will do more later.  I am a nature photographer so wanted to use Chronos to capture slow motion videos in nature.  It took a while to figure out but here are some of my shots.  They are all shot at HD 1000fps.

Black crowned night heron hunting:

Hummingbird shots

Dolphin breaking surface:


and a few more in the channel ..

I don't have that much of a video background so it is all self learning and asking people who know stuff. Please review and give feedback as well.  I shoot Canon so all the lenses are 100-400 or 600mm so far.  I use portkey EVF.
So far I am loving it even though it is hard work.  Great learning experience.

Hope to connect with people of similar interest as well....


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