Chronos User Discussion / Re: Unbalanced colors in .dng, .mp4 files
« on: April 14, 2022, 10:42:18 AM »
Can you explain whatever is happening there? I on the other Hand probably know less about code than you about Editing Software, but just from looking at it, is this basically just some kind of Color Space Conversion from HSV Color Space to RGB Color Space or something? If that seems To fix the Problem you are having, that might be a clue to what is wrong in the Color Science of the Camera? would be worth looking into at least, i guess.
Thanks however for Sharing anyways, even though i have no clue at all of what i am looking at.
Sure I can. Basically I am retrieving the brightness from the HSV color space of the photo, multiply by 5 (eyeballed value to get similar results if compared to shotwell output) and save the modify image. I have done something similar in DaVinci Resolve: I have reduce the brightness range in the Colors/Curves - Custom and I get nice results (see Keys.mov in the same folder)
I am bit puzzled by your answer though, as it seems that my camera may have issues. As far as I understand from this thread prior to your last answer is that LUTs are needed to correctly view .dng/.mp4 files. This is not a bug in the camera but rather a compatibility issue between the camera and the offline software (shotwell/DaVinci, etc...). Also live videos/photos appear very nice on the camera screen