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Messages - nik282000

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Chronos User Discussion / NEX E-Mount Adapter for 1.4
« on: January 12, 2025, 04:09:56 PM »
I have a Rokinon 8mm F3.5 fisheye lens with a Sony NEX E-Mount for APSC sensors and I wanted to mount use it on my Chronos 1.4

So, the link below is to a printable plate that will accept an E-mount lens. The holes may need to be drilled out slightly depending on your printer and keep in mind that the lens is held on by friction alone, there is no locking pin. Use plenty of walls because things are a little thin on the sides, I did this to clear the curve of the camera body.

The backfocus is as close as I could get it but I think the setup might be a little far sighted.

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: November 14, 2023, 11:01:32 AM »
Nice to see the 4K12 announcement video, is there any chance that UI and software updates will be backported to the 1.4? It would be very cool to see a unified experience across all models.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: What Lights Do You Use?
« on: January 29, 2021, 12:49:50 PM »
There are some (not many) LED work lights that you can find in hardware stores that have smoothly powered LEDs.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: November 17, 2020, 04:11:14 PM »
Nice footage, and congrats on the subs.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Post Chronos 2.1 clips here!
« on: November 12, 2020, 10:04:54 PM »

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 2.1 lenses
« on: November 09, 2020, 02:18:05 PM »
It's a 1.4, but how about a microscope mount?

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.5.0 Full Release
« on: November 07, 2020, 05:49:26 AM »
That may have been the same issue I was having. I was saving a large number of frames but it was a relatively small portion of the full recording, less than 5%. I'll try leaving more lead in and out.


edit: Updated my camera, tried saving both long and short segments but had the same issue and I was unable to cause it to happen on purpose,
It seems to happen more with low resolutions/high frame rates (>30kfps) but, again, I am unable to cause it to happen predictably so it may just be that I have been recording more high frame rate video recently.

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.5.0 Full Release
« on: November 06, 2020, 07:58:41 PM »
I need to spend some time trying to reproduce this, as of now it is unpredictable.

I have had my Chronos 1.4 'overshoot' the end point when saving h.264 videos. I mark my start and end points and the save begins as expected but passes the end mark. The touchscreen then becomes unresponsive, the "abort save" button does not respond nor do any touches in on any other part of the screen. All that I can do after that is to restart.

I had it happen 3 times out of ~20 videos that I shot today, I have not run an online update since the summer (maybe a month after v0.5.0 was released) so I will try that and see if I experience the same.

If I ssh in, is there a way to get debug info on what is going on, or manually unlock-up the UI? Just curious, thanks.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: November 06, 2020, 07:44:16 PM »
This is the spray from an aerosol can of cooking oil. The nozzle forms 2 streams that re bridged by a thin film. When the film gets too thin it becomes unstable and begins to whip back and forth before breaking up into droplets. When releasing the nozzle the oil speed drops below some threshold and surface tension draws the two streams together.


Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.5.0 Full Release
« on: June 30, 2020, 06:50:35 AM »
I just noticed that if the focus aid is turned on it will be visible in the 60fps live recording. Not a problem for me but good to know before you go recording a lot.

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.5.0 Full Release
« on: June 21, 2020, 03:07:03 PM »
The eject dialog works with my 2 USB sticks and a USB mSATA enclosure that I use.

v0.5 looks awesome, the UI is coherent and repsonsive, the web interface looks greats and the 60fps continuous is an awesome addition.
Code: [Select]
sudo apt install awesome

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: June 14, 2020, 07:21:44 PM »
ExperimentalPerception, I noticed the flash of light with super sonic ping pong balls as well. As far as I can tell the air caught between the ball and the surface gets heated as it is compressed and is enough to cause the nitrocellulose ball to detonate, just a little.

What are the specs on your cannon? (Barrel length, air reservoir, air pressure?) I have 8 feet of 1-1/2" barrel with a 5 gallon reservoir at 80psi. I'm thinking of adding more barrel length at this point to get some more speed.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Wireless down/upload of footage
« on: June 08, 2020, 06:48:24 AM »
Yes, you set up a shared folder on your laptop/PC and the camera will save files to that folder. I believe there is a thread that goes into the setup in detail.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Wireless down/upload of footage
« on: June 07, 2020, 08:39:30 PM »
The camera is connected to the router with an ethernet cable and the PC is connected by WIFI. The setup will be the same as when you use the switch.

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Wireless down/upload of footage
« on: June 07, 2020, 09:11:54 AM »
I am using one of these (unavailable) but any wifi router will work. The only advantage to using a portable wifi router is having a self contained battery saves you from carrying an extra power cable.

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