We were filming somethings couple weeks ago with big and expensive phantom camera but the chronos footage turned out also surprisingly good on this 5 meter long stick of dynamite video https://youtu.be/ThLtMhiak-Q
The chronos footage starts on 8:20
I was wondering, What model phantom were you filming with? I recall you saying "the best one" Would that be a v2512?
Yep it was v2512 with fast option and larges memory. Only problem was the finnish weather and short day
But I got funding for the camera with really short notice and it's just couple days in country when you order that so you get the weather that happens to be on filming day. We actually filmed this week also one day with the thing since one of my friends customer needed 80 000 fps camera so they had to rent that one again and they needed it only for one day and I got the second day really cheap since minium rent period is two days.
This time we did some DIY shaped charges and 70 litre gasoline bomb
The shaped charges looked quite nice with the phantom but I got also really nice clip with the chronos from gasoline bomb. I am publishing that video tommorow and I can add link here when it's out.
But in generally I think that the v2512 phantom and chronos are good match for youtube videos. You can take clip from small details with really high frame rate with the phantom and then wider shot with chronos with speed aronud 1000-3000fps. I am probably filming next time when it's bit more light or if I get somebody else to pay for the phantom.
I think this is also really nice shot
https://youtu.be/HcTRapGoHK8?t=3m43sIt's the same reaction filmed with two chronos cameras, color version and black and white. I had color version recording 500fps to get more light and black and white little bit faster. I think I could do better now since this was my first video with the black and white model and I didn't know how to exactly set it up to get best possible picture.