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Messages - muringuets

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Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 10, 2021, 04:47:10 AM »

so I think this Gem needs a sleep mode, with a fast wake up. of course I dont know if it can be implemented, this will involve the ability to sleep the sensor and whatever consumes power, with a real quick wake up, just like any modern laptop.

This would enable a dramatic power saving at the field and I assume it may save on the sensor life too, save on the fan noise too. Fan noise is permanent and can disturb some living and moving creatures that you want to catch as natural as possible.

It's a very interesting idea... For now I'd recommend you to go for a portable power bank, I'm using a Jackery 300, so far really satisfied, I can power a 150W lamp and the camera at the same time, perfect solution for field use...

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 08, 2021, 11:16:10 AM »
No Problem at all, i myself am German and English is also not my native / first language. By now its not as bad as it used to be, but i even have problems expressing my thoughts in German Language at times, English is way worse, so i absolutely feel you in that one.
 As far as the 1.4 / Software goes, i am like 200% sure they did test it to at least some extent on there, and if there where Major Issues / drawbacks from any Changes Made, i am also sure those would have been looked at (if noticed by whoever did whatever amount of testing on there..., Keep that in mind!) and solved in other ways.
 If there are Issues with the 1.4 and 0.7.0, can you post examples/ give more Specific details about those?
 I also noticed quite a bunch of Settings on 0.7.0, which will cause issues or worse Performance than Previous Releases, but dont want to post like 10 Single Posts about those, so i will put those Here, whenever i got time to do enough testing, that i can say [these Settings] cause [that] for sure, and can Provide Examples. Otherwise i think, i would just cause a ton of work for People at Krontech, which then would try to figure out however i managed to get so bad Footage in the First place. So i will try to provide documentation and also try to figure out a Pattern for when / what is going on (Gain/ Exposure Time Settings, will post later about that).
 Would be interested myself also to see a Comparison on the 1.4, if you have and Footage on hand to share. Pretty sure That the Same goes for The Guys at Krontech.

I'd be surprised if Krontech sent out a FW without major tests on both platforms, so as I said earlier, the answer will pobably be "yeah we tested, it's fine"...

But you raised an interesting point, perhaps the problems I experienced are coming out from wrong parameters in the setup, I'll check...

I've tried only a few shots on 0.7.0 and I'd definitely need more tests to confirm my assumption on the quality loss I observed... For now I'll keep testing, if something pops up as a potencial culprit I'll let you know...

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 08, 2021, 08:18:16 AM »
Nikon1, I think you got the point, but just to clarify, bear in mind that it is really hard to express myself clearly using technical language, but I'll do my best (english is not my country official language).

2.1 seems to have a lot of problems, so it's normal to focus on solving these problems, not complaining about the "attention it gets" in any sense...

1.4 are working fine for a while now, and it keeps receiving software updates, which is super awesome, and I'm not complaining too...

Point is, since the problems are mainly on 2.1, does the update bring anything better for 1.4?

Well, quick answer is yes, it should. And seems to be the case for the saving speeds.

But did anyone check for other aspects, like image quality? Did the software team checked the effects of these updates on 1.4?

I'll probably get an answer that says "sure it will improve quality and everything on 1.4 too, you're talking nonsense". That answer is okay for me, I'm not a professional videomaker and stuff, I'll accept it. I was just saying that comparing some footage I have on the 1.4 camera, it does not seem the case, and I may be wrong and it is ok too...

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 08, 2021, 07:04:05 AM »
I still think quality wise 0.6.0 was a little better, the DNGs are coming out with a lot of color noise, and a nasty pink/magenta tint that I did not have before...

One quick thing, double check that you updated all the way to version 0.7.  The pink/magenta cast was a big problem with 0.6 but I found it was pretty much completely fixed in 0.7 except for very high gain situations at low resolutions. 

If you were at version 0.5, I'm not sure if the camera would auto-update all the way to 0.7, or if you need to update to 0.6 first.  Anyway, before you pull your hair out too much, re-check the software version on the camera to make sure it is indeed 0.7 especially if you came from 0.5.

I need to check the release 0.7 in case they changed something drastic from the alpha 0.7 I was testing, but as you can see from this video, the pink cast was a major problem with v6 and almost completely fixed with v7 in my experience:

Hi mklinger, I did update correctly from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0, checked and it is working properly...

I watched your video about 0.7 alpha testing, and the other one you suggested about color correcting log videos. I'm new to this video editing and professional tools and stuff, I'd say I'm just used to the previous method of color correcting and editing videos. I own the 1.4 camera for about 2 years now, and it took me a while to get good results out of it, I was happy (not in the saving speed department, but it's okay), it's just another step that I'll have to conquer on this long learning curve, but I'll get there...

I have just one comment about all this, you're using the 2.1 camera, and I see a lot of posts around here where you guys have problems with this version (purple/magenta tint, lower resolutions problems, banding, etc), but I'd like to see some tests made on the 1.4 version, just to make sure the software is developing in a way older cameras are getting improved too, because if they don't, I might as well stay on and older software version...

Anyway, I understand the importance of this version, and the improvements you're getting on your camera, but comparing my footages on 0.6.0 and 0.7.0 I can't really see a lot of improvements, it's the other way around... And I say this mainly analising footage from open areas, without aditional lights, just regular sun light (perhaps too little lights, but that's what I have to work with)...

Anyway, seems like a good time to upgrade my camera...

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 06, 2021, 11:47:56 AM »
mklinger thanks for the input

It took me a while to fully understand the color correction, but after a lot of tweaking on Davinci Resolve, I got a usable sequence, but it is really really weird, counter intuitive and well it's hard to get it right. I still think quality wise 0.6.0 was a little better, the DNGs are coming out with a lot of color noise, and a nasty pink/magenta tint that I did not have before...

Anyway, I'm impressed with the speed improvement, but still need time to get the best out of this new DNG files, not happy with that for now...

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 06, 2021, 06:01:54 AM »
I also have problems with tint on DNG files using 0.7.0, it's really hard to do white balance, something is off... (uploaded a sample)

not sure what to do now. the saving speeds on 0.7.0 are way better, but I don't like H.264...

You just can't have it all, right? lol

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:28:52 AM »
Did a quick test yesterday with 0.7.0, as far as speed times, it is quite an improve!!! Well Done Krontech!!!

Usually I get 12fps at start, going to as low as 8 or 7 fps when saving .DNG on 1280x1024 pixels (using Chronos 1.4)

Yesterday I tested the same resolution and speeds were at start 40fps, after a while it kept going from 25 to 10fps, not a 25fps steady rate, but much faster saving at all...

Not sure the speed oscilation comes from my SSD, cable or camera itself, I'm using a SSD and the e-SATA cable.

So far very happy with the new release!!!

Thank again sanjay!!!

Software Dev / Re: Chronos V0.7.0 Full Release
« on: September 01, 2021, 02:26:34 PM »
Thanks sanjay !!!

Do you have any backlog of things to work on? So we can have an idea what's on the pipeline, softwarewise?

Hey folks, I feel this is a bit of a noob question - but I'm the new owner of a brand new Chronos 2.1 and I can't wait to try it out. Based on the recommendations on the website, I bought the Photodiox  Nikon F to C lens adapter (, as I have a whole bunch of Nikon lenses available (Like the Sigma 24-70/2.8 listed as a recommended lens on the website here (

So here's where I'm stuck: for the life of me I can't figure out how to change the lens aperture as it's internal and usually controlled via the camera. I've read through the forum but can't seem to make out if I'm missing something really obvious. Help appreciated!

- A newbie slow-mo guy

Not sure if I got it right, but, I think you're looking for this:

Just turn the blue ring and it will control de lens aperture... If your lens has the aperture ring control thing (it's a lever like this one: )... if not, then I don't know

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: July 28, 2021, 01:31:02 PM »
First time shooting (filming?) with guns (not real gun, but anyway), boy I need a 2.1 camera, 4500fps is way too much I think, can't seem to get the same sharpness as on 720p 1500fps... Need to test a few things first, but ain't happy for now...

Another thing I tried for the first time was the tilt shift lens, to get the gun and the target on focus... I managed to get a good angle one time, both subjects were focused, but it did not make to the final video (probably got overwritten). Happy with my first attempt using the lens though...

There are other videos from the same day, I'll redo some stuff, specially the melon vs bomb...

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: July 11, 2021, 10:51:09 AM »
Hello everyone!

Well after a lot of learning, I finally feel confortable posting some of my vieos online. Started with animals, went to the zoo for some easy action, no tripod, holding camera in my hands, lots of things to adjust, but it's coming along... Hopefully one day I'll do it in the wild... Here's a playlist I put together, videos are just animals, no extra content added, speed ramp or any other stuff, just some music I like... Hummingbirds and bees are from a different location.

I'm using mainly a Tamron 24-70 f2.8, some videos were taken with a Nikon 70-200 f2.8, for long time camera usage I got a Jackery portable power station (put it in my bag, keep camera powered on). Edited videos using Davince Resolve, 4k versions with Topaz Video Enhance...

Now I got to take all my science videos again using everything I learned, bummer I smashed a lot of old electronics already...

Very happy with my results so far, comparing the first videos I took, and these ones, now I can say I'm really up to the task...

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Hyperfocal distance
« on: June 24, 2021, 05:12:19 AM »
I hope this wasnt too confusing, and did help you with your Question.

It helped for sure. I'll dig into the numbers, try to compile a usefull table with different apertures and different focal distances...

Chronos User Discussion / Hyperfocal distance
« on: June 23, 2021, 07:02:07 AM »
Hello everyone.

I've been using Photopills app for a while and it has a very cool table with hyperfocal distances for a bunch of sensors. I looked for formulas to calculate the hyperfocal distances for the Chronos 1.4 and the Nikkor lenses I tipically use, but most formulas use a parameter for the sensor I do not have, circle of confusion.

Any idea on how to calculate the hyperfocal distance for the Chronos sensors? A hyperfocal table would help a lot to focus on moving objects and other complex scenes (trying to catch a few bike jumps and other action takes)


Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« on: April 15, 2021, 10:24:53 AM »
Well, first post here at the Footage thread... Been using the camera for almost a year now, and for the majority of time I have had poor results. Now I'm using the dng frames, more light, and a lot of post processing to get better results, but, still far away from most footage I see here...

Anyway, my second attempt at the match rockets, used the King of Random tutorial, got nice results, a few rockets got too fast for 1500 fps... On the quality side, still learning how to proper expose the frame and place the camera. My lights are not flicker free, but I managed to reduce the flicker with LRTimelapse (not quite a timelapse but it works kind of in the same way right ), overexposed the frames on purpose this time, part of a try and error method...

I have a few decent hummingbird videos, will post later...

Chronos User Discussion / Re: White Balance custom setup
« on: March 04, 2021, 05:50:26 AM »
Not sure what you're seeking with the camera, but as far as I can tell, everyone does a lot of post processing to extract everything out of the DNGs.

Speaking from my experience, I tend not to do a lot of white balance adjustments, and spend some time to correct it in post, since is already in the pipeline... I'll try to adjust next time to see if there's any improvement in the results...

Anyway, I'm curious to see your footage, you said you're using primes from macro to 600mm, what aperture can you get on these tele lenses? I've been struggling with my lenses when shooting for wildlife but I've got zoom lenses only...

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