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Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« Last post by Buddlich on January 29, 2025, 12:55:26 AM »
Bought a new shell ejecting airsoft gun and recorded the shell eject mechanism. I really like the footage that came out of it:
Chronos User Discussion / Re: Opening Tiff raw
« Last post by assuredsmack on January 19, 2025, 07:09:29 PM »
The proper way to open TIFF raw photos depends on how they were saved and whether special color space conversion or demosaicing is needed. If artifacts show up, it's probably because the raw Bayer data was interpreted incorrectly.
Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 2.1-HD 16GB for sell (Europe)
« Last post by B.H.V on January 17, 2025, 04:21:47 PM »
How much are just the luts? Also, could you film a window mesh or any fabric with fine detail for me at 1000 fps? I want to see the aliasing/moire pattern and how it compares with my 1.4.
Chronos User Discussion / Re: NEX E-Mount Adapter for 1.4
« Last post by nik282000 on January 15, 2025, 04:51:29 PM »
Nope, sorry. As it is the mount is a friction fit and has a limited number of uses before it has to be replaced.
Chronos User Discussion / Chronos 2.1-HD 16GB for sell (Europe)
« Last post by olegneroo on January 15, 2025, 11:30:24 AM »
Chronos 2.1 HD Color 16GB kit with case. Used. It works perfectly. $4200
Shipping from Poland. Preferably within Europe.
[email protected]
My custom calibrated 3D Luts for color transformation from chronos DNG to rec.709 or Log include.

Example of videos I shot with the camera:

The package includes:
- Chronos 2.1 HD Color 16GB
- 19V 40W AC Adapter and charger
- 2x EN-EL4a Batteries
- Adapters for Nikon C and Canon EF lens
- User Manual
- Black hard case
- SanDisk 500GB SSD and SATA cable to connect to the camera
- Monitor Freeworld + HDMI cable
- Fujian 35mm f1.7 C-mount lens

Chronos User Discussion / Re: Spare Battery with charger for chronos 2.1 hd
« Last post by buttermilk on January 14, 2025, 08:28:41 PM »
For extended recording durations, consider using external power sources. Users have successfully employed external batteries from brands like FXLION and REYTRIC to power the Chronos 2.1-HD.
Oh and here is the light reading that I'm currently getting.
Do far I have been filming at about 2,500fps
Here is a picture of my set up. I do need to do the research into a differnt lens as this one has a very small depth of view.
I remember some stuff from when I took photograph way backing high school, and I think I need a lens with a higher f-stop
That largely depends on the Area you trying to light, the Aperture of the Lens and Framerate you trying to shoot at.
 Also the Distance the Lights are away from your Subject to shoot.
 for Hand-Sized Objects, you can get pretty good results from 200 to 600W of LEDs often, if you Trying to Light a whole Room and maybe even shoot higher than 1000fps, then you will need 1500+W of LEDs (or Sunlight) or a lens with a very large Aperture.
So im a fairly new owner of a Chronos 1.4 and videogaphy in general. But I'm quickly falling in love with the hobby.

I built a little battery powered LED array using 6x 100 watt cool white LEDS for testing and it works well.
So now im trying to deside how many more I should make to fully utilize the Chronos? Also, I will be doing all the filming inside.

I was going to just keep making LED arrays until I was happy but then I thought asking here would be very informative.

I bet someone is going to say, " you can never have enough light" but at some point I'm going to run out of the LiFe batterys to power the LEDs.

So from experience, is 2kw of modern LED power enough or should I go for 3-4kw of LED power. right now my battery stock pile would only give me about an hour of 3.2kw but I can always make some more battery packs.

Thanks for the help!
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