Hello there !
please have a look here in this thread : Procedure for RAM upgrade
https://forum.krontech.ca/index.php?topic=806.0I have done a RAM upgrade myself, but on Chronos 2.1 (see my post in this thread)
Other Chronos addicts have done it on Chronos 1.4, hope you find your info.
but looking at specs, I think I have read somewhere that the supported RAM max out at 32 GB, AFAIK.
or does anyone had success with more ?
Thank you and good luck with your SoDIMM upgrade.
see my post with comments, this is a bit tricky, most tricky is to plug back fullly the flat cables. I had to start over because it was not fully in the first time.
there is a video shared about how to Dismantle / Teardown the Chronos :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4iBiVZlzns&t=350s (start at 350 seconds,feel free to rewind to view the full video)
and this one for 1.4 :