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Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 2.1 HD for sale in Chicago
« Last post by arya23 on November 04, 2024, 07:57:34 PM »
What is the overall physical condition of the camera and accessories? Are there any scratches, dents, or functional issues I should be aware of?
Chronos User Discussion / Re: RAM Requirements
« Last post by bandman444 on October 31, 2024, 01:34:05 PM »
Thanks. Very familiar with that thread. It is what used when I upgraded my camera from 8GB to 16GB (2x8GB). But I'm hungry for more storage. None of my questions seem to be answered in that thread. For $20 I can try a couple different RAM sticks if they didn't meet the requirements...but ~$250 is a bit tougher to swing in order to try. So since I am going on the adventure to try to save as much money on the 16GB sticks, I want to make sure my search criteria is right so that I can do it only once. (For instance, if I head to my electronics recycler looking for a deal, what exactly do I need.

I too suspect that a 64GB upgrade is a pipe dream, but it is free to ask the question and get a definitive answer.
Chronos User Discussion / Re: RAM Requirements
« Last post by CavOkay on October 31, 2024, 10:23:46 AM »
Hello there !

please have a look here in this thread : Procedure for RAM upgrade

I have done a RAM upgrade myself, but on Chronos 2.1 (see my post in this thread)
Other Chronos addicts have done it on Chronos 1.4, hope you find your info.

but looking at specs, I think I have read somewhere that the supported RAM max out at 32 GB, AFAIK.
or does anyone had success with more ?

Thank you and good luck with your SoDIMM upgrade.

see my post with comments, this is a bit tricky, most tricky is to plug back fullly the flat cables. I had to start over because it was not fully in the first time.

there is a video shared about how to Dismantle / Teardown the Chronos :

CHRONOS TEARDOWN  VIDEO :   (start at 350 seconds,feel free to rewind to view the full video)

and this one for 1.4 :


Chronos User Discussion / RAM Requirements
« Last post by bandman444 on October 31, 2024, 02:22:33 AM »
I have been searching around trying to find the requirements needed for the RAM in a 1.4. I can learn by searching that it needs to be DDR3 or DDR3L, they are SO-DIMM sized, and that any combination of 8GB and 16GB sticks work (1x8GB, 2x8, 1x8 + 1x16, 2x16), but some users will need to update the firmware to support the odd 24GB (8+16) configuration.

Does it matter if it is 1,333MHz, 1,600MHz, or 3,200MHz? Is there a minimum speed? CL11 or CL22 matter at all? ECC or non-ECC?

While I'm asking, has anyone heard of a 64GB (2x32GB) setup for ultra long record times? I shoot rocket launches primarily, and the action times (when things aren't failing) nominally run longer than the 16sec I would be able to get with a 32GB setup. I've seen some 32GB sticks specifically for servers online, but doubt they would work in this application, plus, I've never heard of anyone doing it.

The cost to go from 8GB to 16GB is under $20 (And Amazon even dropped the sticks off in under 10 hours!), but it looks like the upgrade from 16GB to 32GB is going to cost $200-$300, does that sound about right?

Perhaps the answers to these questions are buried in threads or elsewhere on the internet, I couldn't find them.
Chronos User Discussion / Re: Chronos 1.4 Footage Thread
« Last post by Buddlich on October 29, 2024, 12:32:09 AM »

New slow motion of airsoft guns... I don't know, but I think those moving parts and all the wobble in something that normally looks rock solid never gets old :D
Generally speaking you'll want to shoot with your fastest lenses and as much light as you can get. A speedbooster is an excellent companion to a Chronos. What sort of scene are you talking about shooting?
Chronos User Discussion / Optimizing Chronos 2.1 for Low Light High-Speed Video
« Last post by historicsolid on October 27, 2024, 08:14:13 PM »
What are the best settings for capturing high-speed video in low light conditions with the Chronos 2.1? I’m particularly interested in recommendations for ISO, shutter speed, and any additional lighting setups that have worked well for you. Also, are there any specific lenses or accessories that you find essential for achieving the best results in these conditions?

Software Dev / Re: Quick question about Chronos
« Last post by yellowboard on October 27, 2024, 06:37:26 PM »
That's an interesting observation! It's true that the presence of human workers alongside Zoanoids within the organization raises some questions.
I'm not David Kronstein but I can at least try to answer two of your questions~

For lighting, Kron Technologies offers Helios lights which are specially designed to integrate with Chronos cameras

With the Chronos 1.4 and 2.1 models, the REST API may be accessed from over USB as an alternative to ethernet. The API documentation is available at the following URL, and there's a PDF version on the main Kron Tech site as well
Chronos User Discussion / Questions for David Kronstein (Chronos Camera)
« Last post by jeromegibson on October 22, 2024, 02:20:13 AM »
I seem to remember you guys saying we should post our questions for future guests to the reddit. I'm going to wing it here, but if you have suggestions on how to do this better in the future let me know.

Here are some questions I have about the Chronos Camera:

While I know you built an amazing LED lighting rig (feel free to give a summary for folks who didn't see it), what are some some recommended lighting rigs for this camera?

Is there any support to genlock (frame lock) 2 cameras? If not is it a hardware or software limitation?

Is there any planned support for a USB based API to allow more advanced remote controls?
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