Hi Stephan,
We currently are working on full Ethernet remote control, but there are some limited functions you can do remotely right now. With the v0.2.5 beta software or newer, you can set the camera to automatically save after a trigger. This will get a file onto a local storage device like an SD card. Then, with the camera connected via USB (behaves as a USB to Ethernet bridge), you can then run a script we have that will monitor the card for new files. When it finds one, the file is SCP'd over network to the PC and then deleted from the SD card.
Would this be of interest?
Here's the script as it stands. It requires a few libraries and needs to be run on a computer connected to the camera via USB.
The libraries it needs are: plumbum, paramiko
PreparationOpen the script in a text editor and make a change or two:
1. Set localdir to the destination on your computer where you want the files to be copied to
2. The script will look on the SD card by default. If you want to change this, replace all 4 occurences of mmcblk1p1 in the script with the mount point of the partition that is selected on the camera. This can be checked on the Save Setting screen, accessible from the Play screen. If saving to a USB stick, sda1 is probably the one to use, though sda or sda2 may sometimes be required.
UsageOpen a terminal or command prompt and run the script using:
python2 get_latest_video.py
If having the error "paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Server '' not found in known_hosts," try the solution posted by rvcFS here: