###EDIT###: You will need to set your Voltage Booster/ LED-Driver to 33,3V and 3Amps for common 100W LEDīs. But to be sure, look at the datasheet of the Exact model you are Buying to get the proper values.
The lighting in my shop is garbage. I was holding a 50W LED flood about a foot away from the spindle just out of frame in addition to the 2 other LED lights in the machine. I know I need more light, I know I will never have enough. Any suggestions for cheap ways to make DC powered LED lights would be appreciated, I'm a competent machinist/engineer and I know how to solder and wire things as long as someone else tells me how do layout a circuit. I've been thinking about making a couple 300-500 watt portable DC lights(I have LOTS of 24V Greenworks batteries, dozens of em) out of 100 Watt LED chips, but figuring out a cheap way to make a driver circuit is eluding me for the required voltages (i.e. 48V downed to LED driving voltage).
On other notes I was at an airshow this weekend and will be putting up a bunch of videos of planes doing plane things. Have an EPIC shot of the B-17 Flying Fortress that just about gives me the warm fuzzies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c--5c3Egv4EThis video has lots of information about it. If you are an machinist and have Some Spare Aluminium Blocks laying around you could build your mount for the Lamp and heatsink easily yourself. If you use an Aluminium Block big enough and mill some fine Heatsinks out of it to increase surface, you could maybe even use it without an Fan. Then the only thing you need is 100W LED-Chips, a driver Circut (
https://www.ebay.com/itm/171907240597 <---- This would work and is recommended in the Video above, but i use an stronger Voltage Booster with my 100W LEDīs, just search on ebay or amazon for it, you will find plenty of options, will mostly take a while to ship, since that stuff comes directly from China), and a Strong Power source (Your Batteries could work well enough).
Just make sure to limit your current to the proper value. LEDīs are not very sensitive about Voltage, but you could easily destroy them or shorten their Livespan massively by too much current.
Use one of those Drivers / Voltage Boosters per 100W LED and cool the Boosters Well, and you should be fine. If you want to, you could even add an potentiometer to control brightness. But for Highspeed-Video, i see no reason, why you would want your Lights not to blast full power all the time.But brightness control Could be usefull for other stuff.
Hope that is enough info for you.