I know for a fact the sensor manufacturer makes higher resolution sensors as ive been messaging them for info! I hope Chronos team has something up their sleeve cause this could be a real winner if it was higher resolution also.
I think David Kronstein and the guys working there are Well aware of the Fact, that there are way better sensors and other components.
But i dont think they went for maximum Performance technicaly possible here. More Like Most Performance for a reasonable amount of money and most Bang for Buck.
If you actually NEED Higher Quality or higher Framerate, you are propably in a position, where you would be able to afford to rent or Buy an Way more expensive camera anyways.
I think if they tried to compete with companys like Vision Research, RED, ARRI, Panasonic and the Like in terms of Bare Framerate-Perfomance, Resolution or Image-Quality, they would have quite a hard time because all of those Companys do their thing very well.
I really hope and would love, if they make an Higher Res. Model at some Point, but for the Start of it, this sensor is good as is and a good choice and kind of a Sweetspot between Price and Performance. I allready asked, if they plan on producing a Follow-Up model but got no answer for that yet.
Keep in mind, if you put Higher Resolution sensor or Faster sensors in a Camera, you will also need way more Powerfull processors to get all that Data away from your Sensor and somehow into your Memory, which also need to be Faster then. So, Price can go up pretty fast if you go with an "better" sensor. So it kind of depends, if they could make "affordeable" 1080p Highspeed a thing, if its crazy expensive, like all the allready existing cameras, then why would anyone buy it over the other cameras?