Lenses: I already have a rather significant inventory of quality SLR/DSLR lenses - from older, manual Nikon primes, macros, & zooms (18mm f2.8 up to 1000mm) to newer Canon EF & EF L primes and zooms (down to f1.4) as well as a handful of f2.8 Minolta primes and zooms. There are many adapter options already available for using these lenses (with a crop factor) on the Chronos. I also have SD and HD Fuji & Canon 2/3" bayonet mount broadcast lenses. And, I don't currently own any PL lenses. I haven't read any discussions where success in adapting 2/3" and PL lenses to the Chronos has been achieved. So, these are probably off the table as options. Finally, I've seen some recommendations for C / CS mount lenses in other KronTalk forum threads and would likely expand my lens collection with some of these models whether or not my existing lenses will successfully adapt to the Chronos. It's always nice to have a native fallback option in case my other lenses are needed elsewhere.
Lighting: I have plenty of lighting options including 18,000 watts of Tungsten, 1,000 watts of LED, and access to HMI fixtures.
At this point, what I probably need to do is find one of the Chronos cameras to borrow or rent that I can try out ... or see about an in-person demo. I won't be able to attend NAB and visit the Kron Tech booth this year due to a prior commitment that week. Worst case is that I table the decision until later.
Sigh... I would really like this to work.
Havent Read the whole thing in this thread, just read a bit here and there over the text, and had to write a reply just about your statement, that one could not mount 2/3" ENG- Glass on an Chronos....
Those 2/3" Lenses you have, are the perfect thing for the Chronos!
The Chronos has an 2/3" sensor, so you get the absolute Identical and Full Field of View (at Full Sensor Resolution, that is) as with your typical 2/3" Broadcast-Camera. Those Lenses Are ideal, since they provide Focal Length, which is Rare on FF or even s35-Glass (something like 12mm is an normal (50mm FF) Lens on the chronos...) and are Mostly Plenty Fast lenses for an quite Impressive Zoom-Range. And since The Chronos is basicaly an HD-Camera with an Full-Pixel Readout off of an RGB-Bayer Sensor, your Effective Resolution should be quite close to what those SD and HD Lenses Could provide in Detail and Sharpness!
I dont know about any Adapters specificaly for the Chrons Yet, but you can try to get Something like PL To C-Mount...
For those 2/3" mounts, im Not Quite Sure, if there Are adapters for CS-Mount...?
Its Mechanicaly possible and you got lot of space between camera and Lens for adapting.
I am 100% sure, those Lenses are possible and not too difficult to adapt to the Chronos!
For anything else Adapting is quite Straigth forward, for the most part, just buy C-Mount adapters, but if you dont find anyone/ anything else to mount these 2/3" Lenses on that Camera, then Contact me via PM, i will help you find a way, if you actualy are about to get an chronos. Really, Really want to see this.
Dont know, if it would make Sense for you, but some Good Normal or very Wide C-Mount Primes could be a nice and Helpfull addition to your collection of Lenses, especialy if you plan on using the Chronos regularly. Just dont buy overpriced and overhyped glass, there is plenty out there in this whole C-Mount-World.
Remember, that even your 18mm 2.8 will become something like an 70mm TELE Lens on an FF because of the rather small sensor. And that is, if you use full Resolution. If you want to go with even Higher Framerates and SD-Resolution for example, your effective Sensor Size will get even Smaller, thus your lenses will get even more Tele /longer. The Sensor Size of the Chronos is close to Standard 16mm Film-Camera Frame, when using its full Sensor/ full Resolution.
Those C-Mount Primes are also available in Very Fast Versions for most Focal Length, 1.4, f/1, and sometimes even Faster lenses are quite common. Zooms can be found as fast as f/1.2 and even f/1, so, if needed, this could be also nice.
For everything Tele you have a nice collection of Glass there which should be very useable and usefull on the Chronos!
If you really dont want to buy other Lenses, and you seem To have some Serious and complete kit there, think about geting a Speedbooster (like the Metabones 0,58x Canon to BMPCC) and adapt that to the Chronos. Would increase the effective sensor Size to something closer to s35mm Format and make those Lenses much more usefull.
18k Tungsten is somewhat of an starting point, but depends on how big your Set is. If you want to know if you have enough light, take a Shot with an stills Camera at something like T/2 or close your Lens even more, and set the Camera to 1/3000s and Iso 160, that is about what you will see with the chronos when shooting 720pHD 1500fps (180° Shutter) while Trying to keep ImageQuality high. If you still get somewhat of an proper Exposure with those Settings on your Camera, your Lighting is Bright enough! If you still want to have more Depth of Field, you can try to stop your lens down even more, and see how far you could go bevore your image turns finaly Completely black

. If you are able to light your Set to get a proper exposure on some range of apertures on your Lens, or plan on shooting just wide open, you are ready for an highspeed-Camera

For Those LEDs and HMI´s: Just check if they will Flicker bevore relying on those! With these Big Tungsten Lights its mostly not a problem, but too small tungsten Lights will also produce Flicker. For LEDs and lot of other Lights, they sometimes tend to Flicker, if not meant to be used for Highspeed-Video!
But if you shoot 240fps there, its propably at least not the typical 50/ 60Hz Flicker....
Simlest check you could do: Put your Stills Camera on a Tripod and take a lot of stills (like at least more than 30) with the above mentioned Settings (most importantly 1/3000s or even Shorter, depending for what framerate you want to check flicker), then put them into AfterEffects (or whatever you be using over there), and cut them together like you would with stills for Stop motion. Play it back ---> See if the Lights Flicker...
If done Correctly, that should give you somewhat of an Preview/ Idea, if those Lights are Flickering. (only way to be sure is still to just test with an actual high-speed-Camera....).
And, while i think about it:
You could just shoot 240fps with 1/3000s and ISO 160 (Iso 160 is about as bright as The Lowest Gain-Setting on the Chronos)...Should give the Same Result.