I've been spending the past few days ironing out the kinks of my camera setup and workflow. Everything is working great so far, with the exception of the vertical sensor banding. I haven't been able to get consistent reduction in that using black calibration. Is there a best practice for this? I read on the hispeedcams.com blog that they had some success doing two black calibrations approximately 20 minutes apart, one at startup and a second after the camera had warmed up. That hasn't worked as well for me yet. I'm making extra sure the lens is completely blacked out when doing my calibrations. Is there anything else I should be doing?
Has anyone had success generating a mask of the banding to correct in post? Thanks!
Edit: I'm shooting at 1280x720 at the max framerate (1502) at default exposure settings (0db gain, etc) and saving in RAW. Attached an example - 2 black calibrations about 5 minutes apart were performed before this was shot.