Sorry for the delayed test, but here are my findings (just to be safe I let the cam warm up and did black calibration for all resolutions)
- in 0.3.2 b6 i now have vertical bands for the first time, never had them in any version up to 0.3.1 (images available on request).
- lowering the framerate while keeping the resolution the same dramatically increases the noise level. I'm not sure if this was always the case, but it seems new. I experienced this after doing a black cal on 1069 fps and with the lenscap still on then changing to 1000 fps.
- changing the shutterangle sometimes leads to horizontal bands on the display, haven't tried recording while changing the shutter yet.
- I really like the new util screen, especially for the storage!
- also had the full power fan on the first boot, now it seems to behave normally.