I have two Chronos 1.4 Monochrome 32GB Cameras with the software version 0.3.0 and build version 30e36f.
I was testing out triggers yesterday to figure out what trigger delay options work.
I tested at 1280x1024 1057fps.
Results:The End Trigger works fine (I used a trigger that sends a pulse).
When I started testing the
Exposure Trigger (Start Trigger) it would not work.
I tested the following: Recording Modes Normal and Segmented
Trigger Delay:
- Post Trigger 100%
- Pre Trigger 100%
For Post-Trigger 100% I expected a normal recording after I pressed the trigger.
For Pre-Trigger 100% I expected no recording (as its a Start Trigger)
In both cases, I got a 1-second recording.
My attempt at troubleshooting was to play with the pull-up options and the invert option none of which helped. I switched to a function generator for a pulse input (3.0V and the camera was set to a 2.5V threshold (not inverted)). This did not help either.
Then I tested
Gated Trigger.
I tested the following: Recording Modes Gated.
I set the pre-record to 1 second.
I used the above-mentioned oscilloscope to send in a pulse of amplitude 3.0V (above the 2.5V threshold).
The pulse width was 2 seconds and repeated every 3 seconds (so a total of 5 seconds of which 2 seconds on 3.0V and 3 seconds on 0V).
Here again, I got a 1 frame recording. Furthermore, the image was near-white (oversaturated) whereas the recordings in Normal mode were not saturated.
I have been looking through this forum to see if I can find a solution to this problem however I have not found one yet. Can anyone please advise?
Both of the cameras have this exact same problem (tested under identical conditions). As a result, I suspect a software issue or some lack of understanding on my part.
Edit: If I have posted in the wrong forum section please let me know I'll move the post