Author Topic: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger  (Read 29093 times)


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I have two Chronos 1.4 Monochrome 32GB Cameras with the software version 0.3.0 and build version 30e36f.

I was testing out triggers yesterday to figure out what trigger delay options work.
I tested at 1280x1024 1057fps.


The End Trigger works fine (I used a trigger that sends a pulse).

When I started testing the Exposure Trigger (Start Trigger) it would not work.
I tested the following: Recording Modes Normal and Segmented
Trigger Delay:
  • Post Trigger 100%
  • Pre Trigger 100%
For Post-Trigger 100% I expected a normal recording after I pressed the trigger.
For Pre-Trigger 100% I expected no recording (as its a Start Trigger)
In both cases, I got a 1-second recording.

My attempt at troubleshooting was to play with the pull-up options and the invert option none of which helped. I switched to a function generator for a pulse input (3.0V and the camera was set to a 2.5V threshold (not inverted)). This did not help either.

Then I tested Gated Trigger.
I tested the following: Recording Modes Gated.
I set the pre-record to 1 second.
I used the above-mentioned oscilloscope to send in a pulse of amplitude 3.0V (above the 2.5V threshold).
The pulse width was 2 seconds and repeated every 3 seconds (so a total of 5 seconds of which 2 seconds on 3.0V and 3 seconds on 0V).
Here again, I got a 1 frame recording. Furthermore, the image was near-white (oversaturated) whereas the recordings in Normal mode were not saturated.

I have been looking through this forum to see if I can find a solution to this problem however I have not found one yet. Can anyone please advise?
Both of the cameras have this exact same problem (tested under identical conditions). As a result, I suspect a software issue or some lack of understanding on my part.

Edit: If I have posted in the wrong forum section please let me know I'll move the post


  • Krontech
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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2019, 09:52:35 PM »
In both Exposure Trigger and Shutter Gating, the camera records only one frame per pulse received. The difference is in how long the image sensor stays exposed. With Exposure Trigger, the exposure is as long as whatever was set on the main screen. With Shutter Gating, the exposure lasts for as long as the pulse lasts, which was 2 seconds, a very long exposure.

Also, you might want to upgrade to the latest software, V0.3.0 may have had some bugs related to triggering or record modes.  Here is V0.3.1:


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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2019, 08:17:07 AM »
The software update helped although I still have problems with the gated mode. It keeps recording 1 frame. I am using 1280x1024 at max frames (1057). I have set recording mode to gated burst and the trigger to gated. I am proving a 1khz square wave with 50% duty.

I am a novice at this and I know I maybe annoying many. Any help is really appreciated.

I have attached a picture of my function generator settings.


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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2019, 01:07:50 PM »
Would you be able to share a screenshot of the Trigger I/O Settings window to show how you have the triggers configured? That might help us in trying to reproduce the problem you're seeing.


  • Krontech
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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2019, 01:56:34 PM »
The software update helped although I still have problems with the gated mode. It keeps recording 1 frame. I am using 1280x1024 at max frames (1057). I have set recording mode to gated burst and the trigger to gated. I am proving a 1khz square wave with 50% duty.

I am a novice at this and I know I maybe annoying many. Any help is really appreciated.

I have attached a picture of my function generator settings.

If you disable gated burst, does the camera properly record a frame for each cycle it receives?

Do you want to set up the camera so that to record frames only when both trigger 1 (for example, a pushbutton trigger) is pressed and trigger 2 is receiving a signal? We haven't tested the use of gated burst and shutter gating at the same time, but in theory, it should work with a setup such as this:  Record mode = gated burst, Trigger 1 = Record End Trigger Trigger 2 = Shutter Gating


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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2019, 12:39:33 AM »
You will find attached the requested screen shots


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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2019, 12:46:20 AM »
The software update helped although I still have problems with the gated mode. It keeps recording 1 frame. I am using 1280x1024 at max frames (1057). I have set recording mode to gated burst and the trigger to gated. I am proving a 1khz square wave with 50% duty.

I am a novice at this and I know I maybe annoying many. Any help is really appreciated.

I have attached a picture of my function generator settings.

If you disable gated burst, does the camera properly record a frame for each cycle it receives?

Do you want to set up the camera so that to record frames only when both trigger 1 (for example, a pushbutton trigger) is pressed and trigger 2 is receiving a signal? We haven't tested the use of gated burst and shutter gating at the same time, but in theory, it should work with a setup such as this:  Record mode = gated burst, Trigger 1 = Record End Trigger Trigger 2 = Shutter Gating

Thanks for the advise. I was working with trigger 1 gated with recording mode set to Gated Burst. I assumed what would happen is that the exposures would happen at the high input of the trigger (and it would continue recording until I stopped via the red shutter button).

I changed to Normal Record Mode and the camera records just fine.

My aim was to use the gated input to control exposure time and frame rate and record a video. If this can be done in Normal Record Mode please let me know. I may have misunderstood from the manual what the Gated Burst Record Mode does.


  • Krontech
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Re: Problems with Triggering in Exposure Trigger and Gated Trigger
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 02:08:37 PM »
That's right, in Normal record mode, Shutter Gating should work fine to control exposure time and frame rate.  I will clarify this in the next iteration of the manual.