Today i came Across the Whole Light-Field-Camera thing again after Years, and it got me wondering, if anyone at Krontech ever thought about using that array of camers you use for the Ring, but all pointed in the Same Direction.
I doubt this was Ever done with Highspeed-Cameras?
Some Years ago i came across an Article with images where some institute used an array of 7-20 (dont Remember exactly) matched Super Tele-Lenses and Cameras for some Deep-Space Light-Field Imaging on some Star-Tracking mount.
However, anything needed for some kind of similar Setup (maybe not for Astro-Imaging...) for Highspeed with an Chronos-Array would just be what you allready have developed for the Ring, but just a different Mounting System for the Actual Cameras, to point all in the Same Direction...
Processing for an Final image would be done in Software in Post using a Frame from Each Camera taken At the Same point in time. Software for something like This should allready exist somewhere?
Just as an Idea for you guys. Not that i would be in Need for something like this, but it would pretty sure be a worlds first for this with pretty low Effort for you, since you allready have all the Hardware (well not yet for Mounting..) and Software!