Now, as a Summary, would i reccomend to attempt such an repair by yourself?
Depends. I personally allready did quite a bit of electronics and Camera repair in the past, i found it rather easy to replace.
My Soldering Iron was too weak for that Connector, and the Tip too small, so it was quite the fight to get the original, Broken BNC-Jack off of there, but i got it removed eventually. With a Propper size Iron, it would have been a lot easier to remove it. Soldering in the New one was pretty easy, once the other one was gone, and the excess Solder was removed from the Board.
But if you dont have the experience especially in soldering and are really comftable and confident with it, i would reccomend thinking about just getting a new Connector Boad and replace that completely.
Taking it apart is Quite easy compared to most other Cameras i have seen (thanks again to Krontech for building a camera that is actually repairable and also really repair-Friendly), but you are still at a serious risk of Ripping out/ apart a Ribbon Cable, damaging one of the Connectors between the board or damage other internal Components or the PCBs if you are not carefull when taking it apart. As an guide of how to disassemble it, i can highly reccomend the Official Chronos 2.1 Teardown Video from Tesla500. Just follow that video Step by step for taking it apart, and you should be able to get insde the Camera without too much problems.
However, if you never did any repair on electronics or something like this, an Chronos may be not the best thing to first practice on, if thats the Case, maybe just send it in and let them repair it for you.
#EDIT: The Connector board on the 1.4 and 2.1 are the Same btw., for anyone wondering, so that Part should work for both. Also noticed a bunch of bad grammar in the above posts when reading it again after posting, but wont go back and fix all of those, so sorry for that, i hope its still understandable enough.