well, to be fair here, even if they made it No.1 Priority (or if it even was right now), it would probaply still take a considerable Amount of time to Release an Update.
Because you obviously need to change *something* in the Current Version of the Software, but the last thing you want is to make things worse with whatever you are changing, so you need to do tons of testing to make sure that everything still works as bevore, and whatever you changed actually made things better. Now from my own testing of all that Gain Settings and Combinations, even just to "test" that took an entire evening of work (Current Chronos Full Presets Gain Test Any% WR if i actually had looked at the Time whenever i started...), and for bug testing you would want to do way more tests like that for a whole lot of different Settings, for example Recording and Saving at those Resolutions/ Frameratest. What i did was just a short check if the given Setting even showed an Image on the Screen itself, nothing else. And lot of those tests should be run multiple times to make sure its reliable....
Given that they also dont really have an Army of Workforce to throw at such a task, release of an Update will take a while, even if they tried really hard, just look at the Last few Updates.
I dont really think its cause they dont care, are lazy or just want to annoy people, more like an serious Lack of Manpower to release faster. For propper Testing of an final, stable Update alone i would expect like two weeks or more, even if you had two or even three people working full-time Workhours just running bug tests and stuff. And bevore testing could happen you would first need to find out, what the Problem Even was in the First place in the current Version of the Software, and then find yourself a way to Work around that problem.
If its really urgent, maybe try to call them or contact them via mail, for example their support/ Service Mail adress, maybe they allready have some kind of "beta" version of an update they could provide you, which isnt currently released yet and just for Internal Testing. For Critical work i would however for sure wait for the final Release, because such early software could have even more/ worse bugs or other Problems than the current version oft software, including total chrash of the camera, random data Loss, unuseable /weird Footage Output ect. (but could also allready be very useable)