
If Interchangeable Lens Mounts for the Chronos where Available, Which Mount would you be Interrested in? (you can vote multiple Mounts if you want)

MFT-Mount / M3/4 / Micro-Four-Thirds
11 (23.9%)
Nikon F-Mount
9 (19.6%)
Canon EF-Mount
9 (19.6%)
Arri PL-Mount
2 (4.3%)
Sony E-Mount
4 (8.7%)
Arri STD-Mount
1 (2.2%)
1 (2.2%)
T2 (Tamron Adaptall)
0 (0%)
B4 (ENG-Style Lenses, mainly interresting for the 1.4 as very Fast High-Quality zooms are available)
1 (2.2%)
Leica M-Mount
0 (0%)
Fujifilm X-Mount
0 (0%)
1 (2.2%)
C-Mount (for Lenses which wont fit with an CS- to C-Mount Spacer and need an "Native" C-Mount to work)
2 (4.3%)
0 (0%)
Pentax K-Mount
1 (2.2%)
Olympus OM-Mount
1 (2.2%)
Sony A-Mount / Minolta
0 (0%)
Canon FD
3 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: Poll - Please Vote: Which Lens Mounts do you want for the Chronos?  (Read 16657 times)


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In Response to the very recent Discussion about Interchangeable Lens Mounts over at
 I have the Honor to Make the First ever Poll on this forum.
 This Poll will help a lot to figure out how the Interrest in different Lens Mounts for the Chronos are Distributed, to focus on the most wanted / needed ones.
 Dont yet know how Polls work exactly, since it is the First one here; but everyone should be able to vote as many Lens Mounts as he wants, which he is interrested in or which he wants to be available.
 Feel Free to also leave a vote if you dont yet have a Chronos, but are generally interrested in the Camera and alike!
 If I missed an Important Lens Mount, please Comment below!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 06:46:08 AM by Nikon1 »


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Re: Poll - Please Vote: Which Lens Mounts do you want for the Chronos?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2021, 08:26:46 AM »
Came back to this Poll after some time now and now i am wondering, how there is still just 10 Votes on here (one was from me, so 9 other people voted)...?
 Did this Poll just Drown in all the other Posts on the forum, do people not know how to vote here, or is everyone just using the CS mount on the Camera and doesnt need any other Adapter/ mount for some Reason (didnt think about adding an option for that, when i made the Poll)?


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Re: Poll - Please Vote: Which Lens Mounts do you want for the Chronos?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2021, 10:24:08 AM »
TBH I did vote (for MFT), but I've got a decent enough collection of Nikon-fit lenses for the Chronos now (and an adaptor that lets me use THOSE on my GH5S) that I'm not that worried about it any more. If an MFT mount was cheap I would probably get one to allow me a couple of extra lenses (probably the macro and maybe one other).


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Re: Poll - Please Vote: Which Lens Mounts do you want for the Chronos?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2021, 11:27:30 AM »
Was not meant as an offense to anyone, but seriously got me wondering after coming back like 2 Month later and still only 10 Votes, if there are just like 10 Active People on the Forum or if nobody cares about Adapters altogether.
 Thanks for your reply, i didn't really ever think about it like that, but it makes a ton of sense to me now after your reply, that most existing users, especially those who already own/ use their Camera for a while will probably by now have figured out a way to use their lenses on the Camera in some Way or just bought lenses that fit their need for Nikon mount or something where Adapters are easy to get/ already come with the Camera.
 Like ofc they would, when there was no other option all the time.
 How else they would use the Camera...?
 BTW, you should be able to change your vote or delete it completely, if you feel your vote at the time doesnt correctly represent your current situation very well anymore. (given i set the poll up correctly and this works as i think it does).


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Re: Poll - Please Vote: Which Lens Mounts do you want for the Chronos?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2022, 03:22:18 PM »
Been almost a Year now, voting and this Thread will be closed on 12th of May. So, if you want put a vote until then, as long as you still can.