Hello, today i recognized a strange ghost shadow caused by a bright object within the frame. I shot a clip where water drops move towards the camera and sometimes the bright sun makes the drop burn out to pure white. That's normal. But every time such bright drop passes the cameras view, the drop causes a ghost shadow. See the attached clip, please.
Does anyone know whats going on there?
Actually I recognized this before when I had a scenery with strong contrast: At the left side of the image I had some trees and at the right side a bright sky with a meadow beneath. So the lower half of the image was more or less evenly lit, trees to the left, meadow to the right. But the upper half of the image had much more dynamic range: at the upper left the trees (dark) and at the upper right the bright sky. This strong contrast caused the upper half of the trees being much darker than their lower half, the trees were completely unevenly lit.