Author Topic: Chronos V0.6.0 Full Release  (Read 86385 times)


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Re: Chronos V0.6.0 Full Release
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2021, 11:40:10 PM »
Another issue I've noticed after updating to v0.6.0 firmware my Chronos 1.4 is the problem with authomatic camera shut down after disconnecting from the power supply. I've investigated the problem and I see that this occurs only when camera is connected to LAN interface and SMB share file transfer is configured. When this setup is made then camera has a problem with authomatic shut down. Waking up after connecting the power supply is always ok. It is interesting that when the file saving destination is changed from SMB share to USB drive then the camera shut down properly, even if LAN cable is connected. Have you any suggestions how to resolve this?


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Re: Chronos V0.6.0 Full Release
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2021, 04:29:03 AM »
I currently using the 0.5.1 version. When I let the camera check for updates it says that no updates have been found :(

Any ideas what to do?

PS: ahh maybe it's better to first read the entry post. Then I will wait until I can update via network :'D
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 04:31:21 AM by Buddlich »


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Re: Chronos V0.6.0 Full Release
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2021, 04:32:30 AM »

Something that's a bit different for this update is that you'll need to create an sd card image. We're having some issues with the package server, so the Util->Storage->Apply Software Update via network will not work for this update, but I still wanted everyone to have it instead of waiting for me to fix it. I'll come back and post when this update is also available via network update.

See for the update file, checksum, and a PDF of the release notes. Also contained in the PDF are instructions on how to update, and how to calibrate your camera, so hopefully that works as a start-to-finish guide for everyone. Please let me know if anything is unclear.

 Reread the first post in this thread from sanjay, for 6.0 you need to do an manual update. They wanted to fix it, so automatic updates would work, but i guess they didnt yet do that, so you still need to manually update it.
 Hope this works for you.


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Re: Chronos V0.6.0 Full Release
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2021, 03:48:01 PM »
Here is an untouched DNG Sequence (Heavily Compressed With 7Zip) directly from the 2.1, that shows this Banding i talked about above in Motion. Watch for the Reflection on the Hammer and how it affects the Background. Shot at 0db 1kfps, 180° on an Schneider-Kreuznach Tele-Xenar 75mm/2.8 (was a bit stopped down, not exactly sure where i put the Apperture at...). This Short bit of Footage also shows Ghosting, where the Hammer Moves Fast, there is a "Ghost" Exposure of the Overexposed Highlight Visible, which disappears, when it suddenly stops. The Ghosting was allready there in the Previous Version, and wasnt really a Problem Ever for me, but still wanted to point it out, as i now finaly have footage which shows it very well; but the "Horizontal Banding" isnt that nice, and i dont remember it beeing that visible bevore.

 Ran into this Ghosting issue again last Weekend, when i had a Shoot, where we Tried to Shoot a Water Drop Silhouette on a Black Background. There it was a pretty big Problem.
 Requirements for the Final Shot were a Black Seamless Background, and only the Drop (/spot where the Drop hits the Surface/ resulting Waves) or its silhouette visible.
 Did a Proof of Concept shot on the 0.6.0 Firmware @1kfps, and it just looked completely unusable, immediately switched to 0.5.1Unstable, and it was about as bad.
 Ghosting was about the same or a bit less on the Unstable 5.1 Build, but at least the banding was way less visible.
 Ghosting seems to become really nasty and bad, if Image is basically solid Black and some Overexposed or at least extremely bright spots moving very fast relative in comparison to Framerate (what that shot was all about).
 Did the Rest of that shoot on the 5.1 Unstable Firmware, and eventually switched to 2.1kfps, as Motion blur was a bit much anyways, where it was still noticeable there, but way less prominent/ distracting.
 As Ghosting seems to be about the Same on both Versions and thus still relevant, i thought i might as well share it here for future improvement.
 Attached is an Render of the First Proof-Of-Concept Shot i did (sadly cant share any final Shots here, lighting was changed a bit later) on 5.1 Unstable, and some Untouched DNG Frames from the Same Shot.
 For the Render i didnt even Bother to do any further editing, grading or denoising, its mostly just an DNG-Conversion to MP4, to be small enough to be posted here as an Entire Sequence.
 Settings Must have been 1000fps/0dB and something between 180° and 130° Shutter, but i didnt take any notes about it that day, so cant say for sure about the Shutter Speed.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2023, 09:00:09 AM by Nikon1 »