Hi also, you use a lot of words, i am not really sure about what they mean. "Shade Speed" is probably Shutter Speed? But what is "Blaze"? Not heard about anyone use that in Relation to Cameras yet, no idea what that would even mean here.
I also dont really know what you are trying to say about the 1/200 (which i assume Would be Shutter Speed in Fractional Seconds) and whatever that would then sync to, this is a pretty Dynamic Process we are Trying to capture here, not something like a Electronic Flash from a Camera.
If i understand you correctly, you are trying to say (among other things i am not quite able to follow you with), that shortest beneficial Shutter speed to use to capture this would be 1/200s and anything above that would not give you any more detail.
If that is the case, i can tell you, that this is in fact not correct, as in the linked Video they Clearly use Framerates like 28000fps (or even 50kfps in one of the Shots shown), which would only allow for an Maximum Shutter Speed of 1/28000s per Frame (which is WAY SHORTER!), and they can Clearly capture the Glowing Event that is happening there and even some environmental Light, and there is a lot more Detail to be seen, than i am Able to see at 1000fps or even 3000ish fps. (Also Motion Blur from Fast Moving Parts). A Maximum Shutter Speed of 1/200s Would however Limit my maximum Possible Framerate to 200fps or even Lower, and i can clearly capture This Blue Light Even with my Chronos 2.1 (be it with some Insanely Fast Lenses and very much extreme Settings, but its possible, as shown above), which is nowhere near as Sensitive to Light as those Phantoms they use there.
I maybe got this completely Wrong, you might be trying to say something about the Night Vision Thing or ....?
Not sure, if i understood you correctly, or what exactly you are trying to share or ask here? Please Elaborate.