If you treat the camera as a cctv camera you could live view it I think but I don't think it would be at high frame rate.
Try this code
You will need to pip install the CV2 Opencv library
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD @ IP ADDRESS/1')
while True:
#print('About to start the Read command')
ret, frame = cap.read()
resized_image = cv2.resize(frame, (800, 550))
#print('About to show frame of Video.')
cv2.imshow('capture', resized_image)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
I've not tried this but will have a look tomorrow if I get chance this should allow you to view the live view on the pc
[email protected]:554/1 this is an example of the line of code you need to modify to suit your camera
Use q to kill the window