Author Topic: Is this normal quality for Chronos 2.1?  (Read 16872 times)


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Is this normal quality for Chronos 2.1?
« on: September 09, 2022, 01:46:22 AM »
Hi all,

Would like to ask if this is a normal quality from the Chronos 2.1? New user here. This quality doesn't look fitting to a camera of this calibre. Have I done something incorrect? Black calibration was done with lens cap on. Thanks for advice.


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Re: Is this normal quality for Chronos 2.1?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2022, 08:35:52 AM »
Hi all,

Would like to ask if this is a normal quality from the Chronos 2.1? New user here. This quality doesn't look fitting to a camera of this calibre. Have I done something incorrect? Black calibration was done with lens cap on. Thanks for advice.

Normal (for 1229x716)


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Re: Is this normal quality for Chronos 2.1?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2022, 12:56:40 PM »
Depends a bit on the Settings, but based on what settings i assume you probably used here, and given its a fairly dark shot, i also would say its looking about like expected Performance.
 While it is a Pretty serious Cameras as well as fairly expensive compared to most consumer-Type Cameras, it is not your Typical Multi-Purpose Video-Camera. Its a Dedicated Highspeed-Video Camera, that requires Quite a bit of Light to produce High Quality Images, as is extremely Common in Highspeed-Cameras. It has enough Sensitivity to also Capture Footage at High Framerates if you really have to in not ideal Lighting, but that usually comes at the Cost of Lower Quality.
 While you can Certainly use this Camera for Landscapes, general Video- Use or even Photography if you want, it will usually not perform as well as a "normal" (DSLR-/ DSLM-) Camera that is built mainly for this use and maybe has some kind of High-ish Framerate Option (120fps / 180fps /240fps sometimes even up to 500 or 1000 fps). This Camera does also not perform too good in Low-Ish Light Settings and what we today consider Low-Light in the Age of Sonys A7s Series Cameras if your Target is High Image-Quality.
 Also A thing most average People or Beginners in Highspeed-Video sometimes are not aware of, is that some or even the Major Part of High-Speed Footage you generally get to see has been through some quite heavy Editing (denoising etc.): As an Example
 This takes a fair bit of Practice, Skill and Time, to get stuff that was shot in non-ideal Conditions look good or at least decent.
 If you can, maybe share your Settings for this shot, if you want further Help to Improve your Quality. Ideally you would want the Fastest Aperture Lens you could for that Kind of shot on a Dark Day Like that, and use lowest Gain Settings possible, ideally 0dB analog Gain and 0dB Digital Gain. Also this Camera does not like to capture Low Exposed Footage. Contrary to what you would Commonly do on your Typical DSLR for Video, trying to stay away from Overexposing and rather boosting exposure in Post, on this camera you generally want to avoid too low exposure. To be Clear, you still wouldnt want to fully Blow out your Highlights, but heavily boosting your Shadows or the Exposure in Generally in Post usually is not an Option, if you are Going for High Image Quality.
 Also make sure, that its running the Latest Firmware, Noise Performance has improved quite a bit in the Last updates.


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Re: Is this normal quality for Chronos 2.1?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2022, 06:29:36 AM »