Author Topic: Procedure for RAM upgrade  (Read 26462 times)


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Procedure for RAM upgrade
« on: November 17, 2022, 07:21:19 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I just bought a pre-owned Chronos 1.4C 8 Gb camera as I want to explore what can be done by this amazing thing. It is really exciting and I was impressed by all the videos on YouTube. This camera is close to be brand new and was used only a couple of times (lucky me)
When I received my camera the FW version was 0.3.x  and as usual I upgraded it to the latest FW version 0.7.x, The process was easy and smooth. Well documented and I read many of your posts on this forum. Thank you all for that.

Then I decided to go one step further and to upgrade the RAM. I read carefully the post explaining the kind of RAM that is required and I found a Micron 16GB DDR3 PC3-12800 SODIMM Micron MT16KTF2G64HZ-1G6A1 module that should meet the requirements.
I installed it in addition to the 8GB module and started the camera. The camera booted correctly but was indicating 0 Gb, I found that I didn't inserted the two modules correctly. I re-opened the camera, re-engaged the modules, then the camera was displying the KT logo, looping forever .. I tried all combinations possible and went back to the initial configuration with my original 8 Gb module. No way, it is still showing the KT logo forever  :'(.  I tried to charge the battery 100% SoC , I tried with the A/C adapter alone with/without battery. I though I damaged the main PCBA therefore I removed all the RAM modules and the camera could boot completely showing "0Gb" so I was a bit releived. I am currently running out of ideas. I may have damaged the 8Gb module but usually they are robust and I am a careful guy. I will buy new ones but before that any idea or recommendation would be welcomed. I read many posts but I may have missed some of them.
Sorry for this rather long first post  :o


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2022, 08:58:45 AM »
I dont really know if you actually damaged anything, but there are a Few more things to try, before i personally would give up trying myself:
 1. Probably not a good idea to Mix and Match RAM. I honestly am not 100% sure anymore, if it is supported in theory (There was some Post a good while ago from someone from Krontech or even David himself, talking about a 24GB Memory Configuration, but would need to look that up.), but i would not run that. Either stay with the 8GB or go with 2x16GB if you bother upgrading yourself. RAM is not all That Expensive anymore, and you can always limit Recording time in the Settings if you feel like it.
 Make sure all Ribbon Cables and other Connectors are Fully Inserted and properly Connected.
 For Testing i would start with the Hardware Setup as you got it (Last known working State), meaning the 8GB in whatever Slot the Stick was when still working as intended.
 If the Next few steps dont work, buy 2x16GB Sticks, but brand New, matched ones from some Known Working Brand (in case you actually fried the original 8GB one and the 16GB one you bought somehow) and Repeat trying if needed.
 Before Buying new ones, maybe also Post an Image of the One you already bought, just to verify its the Right one.
 2. Get your Hands on a new Name Brand Micro SD card of 32GB Size and Flash a brand New Firmware Installation onto it with your PC. Directions on how to do so can be found on the Forum with some Searching. Remove the Second Micro SD Card on the BOTTOM OF THE CAMERA (Firmware / OS Card, not the One for saving Footage on top!). Put Fresh installed New Card in, but keep the Original Card in a Save Place, and do not throw it away, delete or Tamper with whatever Is on there, might still need it, as the Original Calibration files should still be on there, and if the Problem was not the SD Card, but actually the Camera Hardware, i would still want to run the Original Card over the New one.
 Try to Power on the Camera/ boot with new OS installation on New card, first with the Original RAM Setup, later maybe with new RAM if it wont work.
 3. If the New Flashed OS does not work out, you can still try, if removing the Battery ON the Mainboard and Putting it Back in changes anything (See image at:
 If nothing of the Above works, i would start to consider if Any of the Cameras Hardware itself is Damaged (Speaking Mainboard or any of the Processors). From what you described (Looping Start Screen), its very possible the Original Install of the Firmware just broke (Software on there) or the Firmware Card Broke (SD Card Failed on an Hardware Level, rare but happened to someone here if i recall correctly).
 Report your Findings from trying all of that, maybe there is anything more to try depending on what happens.
 Also, i personally really dont mind People posting a little Longer, but then Complete Questions etc. on here. Actually Prefer it. Its still a lot easier than someone just Posting "Bought used 1.4, installed new RAM, now it will not boot" kind of Question without any more Info, and then everyone trying to help needing to ask a Dozen Questions first, to even get to a Point of where actual Advice or Help can be given without just Wild guessing Stuff; leading to Probably more Text overall than just a Detailed Question in the First Place.
 So you are good there, absolutely.


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2022, 10:23:53 AM »
Bingo !
I have now a Chronos 1.4C 24Gb up and running.  ;D ;D

Thank you Nikon1 for the the idea to reflash the SD card.
I was a bit skeptical about this proposal because the camera was booting correctly with no RAM installed  but was hanging up each time a RAM module was there with the KT logo looping forever. So my initial thought was that the firmware was OK... But if you ask for advices and you don't follow them what is the logic ?
My original 8 Gb module was intalled at the initial position, I flashed the SD card and ... it worked !!! Ouff...

Then I tried my 16 Gb module alone > OK
And I tried both modules together  16 + 8 > OK  ;D
So I can confirm that with FW 0.7.0 the 24Gb combination is working. I shot a short video to cross check just in case. And I will post something if I discover a problem in the future.

I can also confirm that  this 16Gb module works: Micron 16GB DDR3 PC3-12800 SODIMM Micron MT16KTF2G64HZ-1G6A1
I do understand the recommandation to use modules that were already tested by the community and thank you for the pictures on the various posts but unfortunately none of them were available here (btw I am in France). Then I had to find another solution. It is true that RAM modules  are not expensive but finding 16Gb  in one unique module is an issue. But these Micron modules are rather cheap and easy to find on the bay therefore I decided to give them a try .
I will add a picture as it can help somebody else.

One recommandation for those who want to  experience the RAM upgrade. Remove the battery and put it aside. Then  test your camera with the A/C adapter. I am saying that because during my tests I was using the battery and few times I started to open the camera and disassemble it with the battery inside. Mainly because I was obsessed about my trials that I forgot to remove it. This is not a good idea to disassemble anything with a battery plugged, you can damage your device. Putting the battery aside and far prevented me to do this.
The second thing is to take care of how your are dressed. If you are wearing too much synthetic clothes you have the risk to send an electrostatic discharge  (ESD) to your camera and you can ruin it. I changed my jacket for these operations as I knew this jacket could charge/discharge easily...

That's it and many thanks again Nikon 1 , you saved my day !!


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2022, 10:47:13 AM »
No Problem, trying to help where i can.
 Can very much Confirm, that you Should do whatever you can to make sure to not work on the Insides of the Camera with the Main Battery Installed in it.
 Also dont Hurry, take your Time, you can easily break stuff inside there if not careful.
 And while i myself am not super paranoid about ESD, its still a topic that should not be completely ignored. Working in or around Carpet and certain types of Cloth are absolutely to be avoided.
 Regards Type of RAM, i personally also just went with whatever i could find. Given you get the Right Type, i dont really see why it should not work, but unless you or someone else actually Tried, its still somewhat of a risk technically.
 Good to hear you got it working though, have lots of fun with it for a long time!


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2022, 07:07:57 AM »
Is it possible to make Chronos 2.1 from 8Gb to 32Gb?


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2022, 01:49:06 PM »
Yes, but you need to open the Camera.
 If you never done this or anything alike, be very Careful to not damage anything inside.
 Other than that its pretty easy, just put in more RAM.
 Camera takes Standard Laptop Memory, so upgrading to 16GB is easy.
 Upgrading the Camera to 32GB is a bit more Difficult, as you need to find two Memory Sticks with 16GB Per Stick (2x 16GB), but other than that nothing much to it.


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2022, 09:14:32 AM »
I have just updated my 2.1 to 32 gig, you can do it without disconection any ribbon cables, just be gentle when removing the 4 screws. I had to reset trigger settings to allow for 11 seconds of recording. Was a bit stressful but all works ok. I used 2 sticks of 16gb memory as above from a levono laptop


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2022, 09:52:31 AM »
I did some Wild Stuff with my Chronos ( and much more...), but Trying to replace the RAM while the Ribbon Cables are Still Connected seems too Sketchy even for my Taste.
 As you did Proof, it apparently CAN be done, but i wouldnt recommend personally doing /trying to do it.
 Disconnecting the Cables just seems sooo much more save for so little more Effort, its absolutely a No-Brainer for me!
 Most Risky i find is the Tiny Cable coming from the Display Unit. That one is very narrow and has even tiny SMD Parts soldered onto it, and a much Wider one also with parts on it. These ones i fear breaking the Most.
 The Other ones are very Cheap Standard Size Ribbon Cables, which you can just go and order at most better Electronic Stores or straight up Ebay / Amazon, The Two from the Display seem Close to Impossible to Replace without just Replacing the Display Unit or at least the LCD itself.
 Apart from that, there also is just always the Risk of Straight up Ripping the Connectors off the PCB, Possibly even Taking the Traces with them, given you manage to rip it off suddenly enough, that the Ribbon wont break or something (Seen some Nasty stuff happen with Ribbon Cables / PCB´s; so possibly i am just a little Paranoid, but these things can happen). Messing the Mainboard up very Badly in the Process of doing so...
 Have to admit, it is kinda Awkward to disconnect them and Put them back in later, cause they can be a little short to work comfortably in there, but i personally rather take the Time and be Careful, and remove them each time, than deal with the Damage once i somehow mess up and somehow drop something and break a Cable or Whole Board because of it.
 Even for the Test on YT i just linked here, i tried to make Sure to prevent any Chance of the Ribbons Breaking by somewhat restraining The Three "Units" together as good as possible within reason.
 So in Short, Please dont. At least unless you have some really elegant Way of getting it done, which i am not aware of...?
 Glad however, the Hardware Upgrade worked for you without breaking anything. Had to reset Trigger Settings as well, on first time turning it on, i as well did wonder if i did something wrong, as it still did record just as much time as before, but later found out to change the Trigger Settings.


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2022, 12:33:32 PM »
I do understand about removing the cables but didnt feel the need and I dont like removing that type of cable unless I really have to they never seem to go together so well. I put the camera 'sensor' down with the canon lens adapter on so it was flat, I removed the 4 allen bolts on the back moved the back panel down abot 10mm or so removed the top 2 screws on the PCB then moved it back up past the camera 10mm and removed the bottom 2 screws I eased the pcb out with my hand holding the top panel and pcb, I then tipped the panel to the right and popped the RAM out and the new ones in then rebuilt in reverse order. there was plenty of slack on the cable to do this, each to there own I guess. I didnt mean to tell anyone bad practices just how I did it. thanks for the input. 


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2022, 12:53:59 PM »
Reading this, i guess this works.
 I´d still be very careful with this.
 Dont want to hold anybody back doing whatever they can or want to do with their Camera, just wanting to put a little Warning there following your Post for anybody reading along later, maybe less skilled or experienced, trying to prevent damage by pointing out potential Risks in this Approach.
 Safest Way to disassemble for me still is like tesla500 (David Kronstein, did Show on his Official Teardown Video of the 1.4 or 2.1 respectively.


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2023, 09:22:42 AM »
Finally I did it !

Did Yesterday a Successful RAM upgrade from 8 Gb to 32 Gb.

actually I had planned to do this mod long ago, but never found the time and guts to jump in.
I was a bit too fearful of breaking something.
Short Story : I have bought my 2x16 Gb DIMMs online and received them in July 2021 !
Yeah that's too years shelf life before jumping into the cold waters !  :D 

And yes I am seconding what Nikon1 wrote earlier, there are some tricky parts of the job.
To remove the flat cables, is kind of pretty easy, but this is another story to put them back !!! more on this later.

so after removing all flat cables ( 4 in total ) then the Memory Board became fully accessible and separated from the Chronos assembly.
(gently popping out towards you the Mezzanine connector, see the video shared earlier in this tread)

it was pretty easy to remove the old 8 GB DDR3 module. I have save it aside in case I ever have to return the Chronos.

the trickiest point to deal with was, maybe, The (too) short flat cable that connects from the Inner side of the memory board, to the side board hosting the camera interfaces (Power, BNC trigger, e-SATA, Ethernet etc...).

This short Flat Cable connects to a Omron connector, easy to unlock, Harder to put back :
 this was a bit hard to feed-in the short cable : you have to align it perfectly and find a way
to gently insert it in full, lined up, while holding the memory board, and be disturbed by the coin cell battery protruding, (for RTC power)
+ find a place to put your fingers in between Memory Board and the Chronos Body, then once your cable is finally fully engaged, at last, lock-in the flat cable...
 WoWW !!  that was giving me sweat !!

Okay, now this cable was secured, then comes the 3 last flat cables, they are 3 between the display board, connected to the "outer side" of the Memory Board   

One long and narrow, white flat, easy to remove and plug back secure,
and 2 brown flat, hosting components ICs inside, that is actually the Display LVDS, and The Touchscreen (I have figured this out )

They were rather easy to plug back and secure them locked in place. ... well I thought so.

First power on, at last ... hugh !!
 the Chronos logo appears in Magenta ! same for the UI, the menus...
well I first tought it was needing a new reboot, or calibration, which I did, but of course, the Mangenta color was still there,

Just remembered what I came across a bunch of time in my IT days, some bad connections on a VGA cable and you either have a missing Green color or any of the 3 RVB components
so I obviousy was suspecting a bad connection from the Display LVDS cable (the larger Brown flat cable)

So I have disassembled again the Display cover, checked again the connection, secured the lock, tried to run the Chronos this way with the Cover Open ... and  .. Hugh !!!
the Chronos Turned Down !!!
 Bad Idea, I guess the chip on the outer side of the memory board was heating up too much and the top thermal adhesive need to get tight contact with the heatsink on the Display aluminum cover.

learned my lesson and pray the Chronos was not dead...

Reassembled the Display Cover, power on, suspense ...

 yeah ! Magenta is gone, and Chronos Boot Logo and all Menus fonts are back at their original nominal colors : plain White.
then White is no more magenta.

So I was breathing again. But testing it  ... Hughhhhh ! again ! no more touch functionality !!
again, dont fear, must be the connector,

disassembled again, and yes, the Touch flat cable, dont ask me why, was disconnected !
I would have swear it was properly inserted before, and locked in.
well, after the final full re assembly, the full functionnality was here at last.

 so to summarize, that was a bit tricky, chilly-thrilly, but I am glad I did it, happy owner of a fully 32 Gb upgraded Chronos 2.1.
 Thanks BTW to all of you who shared your own experience about disassembling the Chronos Body, and about replacing / upgrading RAM.
about DIMM specs I used, you may ask   :)  so I bought them on A..zon, was a pack of 2x OWC1600DDR3S16G SODIMMs, 16 Gb each

now working like a charm and glad I can record for 11.59 Seconds :-)

as a last Funny Side Note, I have noticed, after all theses actions, The RTC went wild !! the Current Time was displaying  ... 25 November 1929 !!  :D  :D  :D

while resetting it, found a minor bug in the calendar display, going back to previous month, then it was stuck, had to enter the month with the virtual keyboard displayed on screen.

Bug may be already be fixed. (?) FYI I am still by now at Build 0.7.0 ((0.7.02))

Now still patiently wait for the loooooooong expected New Chronos Firmware Upgrade, hopefully Soon, with hopefully promising new functionalities and improvements.



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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2023, 02:39:00 PM »
Glad to hear your Upgrade went well.
 i lost pretty much all Hesitation of taking this Camera Apart, i did it way too often by now. But it can be pretty intimidating if one is to do it for the First Time.
 The Short Ribbon Cable can very easily be Replaced by a Longer one for less than 10 € Cost, those are Standard Size.
 Posted an Image of this in use in the other Thread, but the Image Link no longer works, so here is the Image again Attached to this Post. The Cable can not be directly seen in the image but was needed to make the Camera work with the Risers.
 #EDIT#: I can in fact not upload the image for some reason, contacted Krontech about it, so attachment will be missing for now, might add it later, when Attachments work again #/EDIT#
 In this Video i posted, the Longer Ribbon Cable can be seen directly:
 Would need to look up what Cable i used exactly, if someone wants to know, @ me in here, i will reply as soon as possible.


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Re: Procedure for RAM upgrade
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2023, 07:31:09 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I just bought a pre-owned Chronos 1.4C 8 Gb camera as I want to explore what can be done by this amazing thing. It is really exciting and I was impressed by all the videos on YouTube. This camera is close to be brand new and was used only a couple of times (lucky me)
When I received my camera the FW version was 0.3.x  and as usual I upgraded it to the latest FW version 0.7.x, The process was easy and smooth. Well documented and I read many of your posts on this forum. Thank you all for that.

Then I decided to go one step further and to upgrade the RAM. I read carefully the post explaining the kind of RAM that is required and I found a Micron 16GB DDR3 PC3-12800 SODIMM Micron MT16KTF2G64HZ-1G6A1 module that should meet the requirements.
I installed it in addition to the 8GB module and started the camera. The camera booted correctly but was indicating 0 Gb, I found that I didn't inserted the two modules correctly. I re-opened the camera, re-engaged the modules, then the camera was displying the KT logo, looping forever .. I tried all combinations possible and went back to the initial configuration with my original 8 Gb module. No way, it is still showing the KT logo forever  :'(.  I tried to charge the battery 100% SoC , I tried with the A/C adapter alone with/without battery. I though I damaged the main PCBA therefore I removed all the RAM modules and the camera could boot completely showing "0Gb" so I was a bit releived. I am currently running out of ideas. I may have damaged the 8Gb module but usually they are robust and I am a careful guy. I will buy new ones but before that any idea or recommendation would be welcomed. I read many posts but I may have missed some of them.
Sorry for this rather long first post  :o
Experiment with different combinations of RAM modules in different slots. You can try using only the new 16GB module or try different arrangements with the original 8GB module. This can help identify if there is an issue with a specific module or slot.