The Audio Input is working (you also need to do Live-60fps Recording), but needs an Amplified Signal, a Straight Passive Microphone plugged in there will not do anything. Needs a Microphone with a Pre-Amp.
You could now use the Audio Input to capture some kind of Signal, given you get the Voltage-Levels to somewhere where it has enough Resolution to still be useful for whatever you intend to do with it, but still low enough to not damage the Camera itself, Audio Levels Voltage.
Limitations to the Resolution is obviously the Bitrate of the Audio that is Recorded, and you would also need to sync it (also slow it down to the Correct Playback Speed later on, so remember to somehow keep Track at whatever FPS you record your Stuff, so you know later) to the Actual Highspeed-Footate itself, as the Audio will ever just show up on the Live 60fps Footage Files, the Highspeed-Footage itself never has Audio.
I dont know if any other kind of Analog input is working right now, have not tried that.