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how to connect camera to the PC

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Hi,im a consumer from China.
I want to connect my camera to my computer with microUSB.
But it didnt work when I plug the camera to the PC.
The RNDIS driver in WINDOWS11 cant be found,and by using the ethernet,it cant work out too,I get the IP address(inlet addr),type it in Chrome,it still not work.
I really want someone that can help me!


The camera can be accessed at the IP address when using the mini-USB or
micro-USB connection.
Windows operating systems require a RNDIS driver to connect via USB. Windows 10 should
find and download it automatically if an internet connection is available.
Since you are using windows 11 not sure if it will work on windows 11. You can try on Windows 10 OS or can contact Kron technical support.

To connect via USB on Windows, you need an RNDIS driver. Ideally, Windows 10 can

detect it and, if an internet connection is there, download it automatically.

Hello Johndoe,

To connect your camera to your computer with microUSB have a look at section 1.2 of the file "Network-Control-v0.6.5-1_for_Chronos_Cameras.pdf".

You can also control your camera via ethernet, see section 1.1.

You need to install the RNDIS driver on your computer. To do that, follow the instructions in the file "Chronos-RNDIS-Driver-Installation-Guide.pdf"

If you computer has windows 11 installed in it you need to carry out a few extra steps. They are described in the document "Update Port (COM & LPT) for Windows11.pdf"

If you want to download the footage recorded directly to your computer. You need to setup the SMB share, this is outlined in "Chronos-SMB-Share-Setup-Guide.pdf"


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